
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

4 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Pores That Works In Few Hours.

The onset skin pores can prove detrimental to your looks and once enlarged, they not only look disgusting but are also pretty undesirable, to say the least.  Actually skin pores can be described as small or tiny holes which are located all over the skin of the body. They let the body oil or sweat come onto the skin surface. Actually these pores may or may not be seen visible, determined by the skin type or condition and their size, means how big or small these pores are.
However it is always better to know some home remedies for skin pores, should you need to get rid of them quickly. Sometimes the skin pores get enlarged and also become clogged as in contrast to the smaller skin openings. So read the post to know how to dispel or lessen these pores on the skin for a clearer appearance, if need be.

Skin pore treatment solution with orange juice and egg white

The above mixture may sound pretty surprising to you but it is a surely effective cure for skin pores. The white portions of the egg contain properties which make the skin tight or firm. Thus it can reduce the size of the pores, once enlargement has occurred. The skin tone is also enhanced by using egg white. Orange juice can be very useful in lightening the skin. Once you have applied some amounts of egg white and orange juice on your skin, it has to be left on for close to half an hour. Then wash it off your face and you will soon feel the difference. Use this solution regularly till the pores start fading.

Papaya face pack

One more very useful toner and cleanser is a papaya face pack to get rid of the pesky pores. It can be made right at home, by mashing a fresh papaya fruit and putting it on your face. Keep it on  for twenty minutes and then splash water on your face to remove the pack. The best part is that the skin is immensely toned by it and the dirt, grime and impurities from the skin are totally removed.

Lemon juice – the best anti blackhead therapy

If you have a face full of blackheads and are at your wits end as to what to do about it,  get some freshly squeezed lemon juice pretty fast. The astringent properties in the lemon juice is best for making the skin nice and firm plus unclogging the blocked pores.

Lessen your blemishes with the sandalwood solution

If a lady is beautiful yet has a face full of blemishes, what can be more embarrassing? But now you can avail of a natural and home recipe for cleaning out these tiresome blemishes. Grind sandalwood to a powder and mix it with water.

Now, put this sandalwood watery paste on your face and massage your skin with circular motions of your fingers. It will bring forth amazing results after a suitable period of time. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash it off your face thoroughly.


So these are some of the most effective home remedies for skin pores. You can easily economize on your parlor bills by making these herbal and natural skin cure remedies. Sometimes the chemicals present in the parlor made solutions can sing or damage your skin pretty badly.  Instead, just avail of some of these afore mentioned tips to get a clear and glowing skin.

Stop Eating Tilapia ASAP! Read About the Disgusting Reasons Why

There is mounting evidence that tilapia, the third most consumed fish in America, is extremely harmful to our health, since it is grown in China in bad farming practices.

Undoubtedly, tilapia has deserved its common use for it is quite inexpensive, can be bought skinless and boneless and is really tasty. And it would have been healthy if being wild.

However, its origin is the real problem, for the tilapia we consume today is farm-bred instead of wild. It is absolutely impossible for one to come across wild tilapia on the market or even in restaurants.

Actually, farm-raised tilapia is not health beneficial for several reasons. Healthy fish oil in wild tilapia is basically lacking in farm-bred one. Namely, while wild tilapia eats lake plants and algae, farm-bred tilapia is fed on soy pellets and GMO corn.

It is of crucial importance that you opt for wild tilapia, since the farm-bred tilapia is deficient in the vital nutrients your body needs. Instead, it provides numerous harmful effects, including the following:

High Dioxin Levels

Dioxins are not only toxic, but can also affect your proper body and can even trigger cancer development. Farm-bred tilapia contains higher dioxin levels, in fact, 11 times more dioxins than wild tilapia. Moreover, as soon as dioxins get into the body, they take a long time to get out – around 7-11 years is half of what it takes for dioxin to be discarded from the body.

Higher Pesticides and Antibiotics

In general, farm-bred fish contain higher content of pesticides and antibiotics. This is due to the fact that farm fish are bred in a crowd, which makes them more susceptible to diseases, and they are often given antibiotics so as to keep them healthy. In addition, in order to kill sea lice, pesticides are also used. These pesticides are in fact so strong that can kill wild salmon when exposed to them accidentally.


Farm-bred tilapia can lead to inflammation, according to newest research. The consumption of tilapia can in fact worsen already existing inflammation caused by a number of health issues including asthma, heart disease, and arthritis. It is a fact that tilapia is a much more serious risk factor for inflammation than bacon or hamburgers.

Low Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratios

Another big difference between the two is the fact that farm-raised tilapia contains less healthy nutrients than the wild one. Moreover, farm-raised tilapia also contains less protein. Plus, the omega 3 fatty acids in farm-bred tilapia are not as beneficial as opposed to the omega fatty acids in wild tilapia.

These fish are raised in pools, which makes them fattier and they often contain more omega 6 fatty acids, and overconsumption of omega 6 fatty acids increases the risk of inflammation. In farm-bred tilapia the omega 3 to omega 6 ratios in farm- bred tilapia are out of balance, so they have negative effect on our health.

Cancer Causing Pollutants

One of the main ingredients in the feed is chicken poop, as well as pig and duck waste.  In general, farmed-raised fish is 10 times more exposed to cancerous organic pollutants than wild tilapia.

Monday, December 28, 2015

If You See Your Children With In This Position, Immediately Stop Them!

Children love sitting in the position in form of the letter W. They usually spend many hours in this position while playing. However,

W sits put their hips and joints in extreme internal rotation which tightens the muscles on the inside and stretches the muscles on the outside of the hips.

This can affect the balance and coordination and can lead to serious orthopedic issues. Therefore, you need to break children of the habit of W sitting immediately.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to get rid of various types of fats from your body

Obesity is probably the cause of many deaths in the world and is recognised as a major disease. When one is overweight, it affects other parts of one’s body and causes many other related complications.

Obesity is also caused due to different factors like over eating, faulty eating habits and many such factors. It causes fat to get deposited in our body at different places. This accumulated fat then causes obstruction in working of other organs and sometimes that can make things complicated.


Read on to find out what causes fat and what you can do to remove that fat from your body.

1. Food as cause of obesity

Food is one of the major and most common factors of obesity in the world. In today’s eating habits, fast food loaded with sugar and salt and fired items are the norm. People gorge on such food for all the 3 meals in the day. And if you couple meats like beef, pork and ham to along with eggs etc. you have a perfect recipe for obesity.

To avoid such a problem with over eating, one must exercise for at least 30 minutes in a day. Doing so will keep the fat accumulation in check.

2. Stress as cause of obesity

This type of obesity is caused by increase in stress, depression or tension. Patients of all these three symptoms tend to overeat to bury these feelings.

Also major thing preferred to gorge on is sweets, which contains sugar and increases the fats content in the body.

People suffering from depression, stress should seek proper medical help and practice self-control. They should never try and reach out to food as a method of curing the ailment.

3. Gluten as cause of obesity

Gluten is a mixture of 2 proteins found in cereal grains. And some people are either allergic to it or for some people gluten acts as a means of fat accumulation.

It mainly affects women experiencing menopause, or adolescent girls or people who have some hormonal imbalance. Such people with gluten problems should avoid alcohol, cigarettes, sitting for long hours at a stretch and should work out using weights.

4. Slow metabolism as cause of obesity

People with slow metabolism tend to feel bloated whenever they eat something. Even after they eat a little amount of food, their stomach feels like it has accumulated food and is not processing it. It happens more severely if a person who suffers from slow metabolism also consumes alcohol and smokes cigarettes or tobacco.

To avoid feeling bloated and slow metabolism related obesity, one should try and eat food that is rich in fibers like green vegetables, fruits and soups and salads. Fibers help speed up the digestion of food and heighten the metabolism rate of the body. Fruits, soups and salads are easy on the stomach and get digested quickly. Try and avoid alcohol and tobacco smoking.

5. Bad circulation as cause of obesity

This type of obesity is genetically inherited. But sometimes it manifests in pregnant women or people who constantly suffer from swollen legs. Such obesity can be very harmful if it gets to a chronic stage.

People, who suffer from obesity due to poor circulation, should stay active and do exercises involving legs; like running and climbing the stairs up and down.

6. Physical inactivity as cause of obesity

This is another common type of obesity, as most of people who suffer from this are the people who work sitting for more than 8 hours a day. Office goers especially suffer from this obesity due lack of physical effort during the day.

Such people should make should they workout at least 3 times a week and take regular intervals during their work hours to do some like brisk walking and exercise.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Secret Drink To Slim Waist: 1, 2, 3, 4…10 cms, Off You Go!

So, you want to shed some pounds for an upcoming event. What would you do? (1) accept the way you look, (2) start crash dieting, or (3) try my simple plan. Choose the 3rd option and I’m sure you’ll never browse over the internet again for quick weight loss tips!

You’ve experienced the drill when it comes to losing weight – start consuming fewer calories and burn excess calories! But you also know that most of the diet plans and other quick weight loss plans don’t work as promised.

It’s a very familiar story – we pledge ourselves to honor a daily elliptical routine and count each and every bit of calorie that we consume. But soon, we start eating our favorite pastries and cupcakes at the office, and later we realise – diet over, Oops!

I’ve come up with a fat-torching plan that will really subtract up to 10cm from your waist within 4 days – without keeping yourself starved for hours or cutting out entire food groups, and not even by taking the support of bizarre supplements.

How? It’s all about teeny tiny sacrifices in your daily routine combined with a couple of techniques. Employing this little trick on a daily basis will help you cut down the fat accumulated on your belly; no gym or strict diet plan required!

Have you ever heard of Sassy water? Sassy water is the key element in our flat-belly diet plan. This healthy and tasty fluid got its name after its creator, Cynthia Sass (nutritionist).

The concept of Sassy water lies on the fact that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily for the normal functioning of our body. And of course, this is a minimal amount as the need of fluid may vary from person to person depending on their physical activities.

For this 4 days “flat belly” plan, it is strictly recommended to consume as much water as you possibly can. Along with this, eat fruits and vegetables that have a large amount of water content, such as watermelon, pineapple, cantaloupe, peach and so on. The motto behind it is to keep the body hydrated all the time by maintaining the liquid level, which in turn prevents intestinal bloating and constipation.

Let’s check out the recipe of Sassy water!

Ingredients Required:

Water (minimum 8 glasses, you can add more as per your requirement).
A fresh cucumber


Pour 8 glasses of water into a pitcher.
Finely grate a ginger and add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger root in the water.
Take a fresh cucumber and peel it off. Cut it into thin slices and add it to the water in the pitcher as well.
Next, cut a lemon into slices and pick around 12-15 fresh leafs of spearmint. Add both the ingredients to the pitcher water.
Mix all the ingredients well and put it in the fridge overnight.
Filter the ingredients and your fluid is ready to drink!

Drink it in frequent intervals or whenever you feel thirsty. Your aim should be to finish the complete picture by end of the day and prepare a fresh dose for the next day.

In order to achieve the desired result, it is very important to have this drink for 4 days continuously and avoid other drinks completely. And if, after completing the 4 day drinking diet, you like the result and the taste, you should seriously consider continuing with this healthy and powerful drink.

Few Do’s And Don’ts

While following this 4 days plan, try to remember the below pointers:

Avoid sweets.
Avoid food and snacks rich in fat and calories.
Start consuming healthy vegetables in smaller portions.
Do basic physical activities.
Desperation to achieve something can tempt us to try anything and everything! Follow this simple flat-belly plan and save yourself from spending money (and of course, from emotional pain as well!) on those gimmicks that rarely work. Be realistic and give a jump-start to your weight-loss plan. It will not only give you a slim and flat belly, you’ll feel happier too!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Amazing Photos Of Lady Giving Birth Naturally In Water At Home

Motherhood is divine. It's the highest, holiest service to be assumed by the mankind. Being a mother is harder than anyone can tell you but it is also more rewarding than anything else in thew world. The pain a woman suffers at the time of childbirth is unimaginable, it's her greatest courag

immeasurable strength that has made the existence of mankind possible. All the women out there take a bow. You are awesome. All the men out there be grateful to your mothers and wives..buy them a gift maybe..

The moment you take that precious little thing in your hands is priceless. "the life you created". Here is a story of this courageous mother who decides to bring her baby into this world naturally. These photographs speak volumes about the courage and love that a woman is capable of and the immense bliss and tranquility that a birth brought to this amazing mother. Her photographer friend has captured the images wonderfully. Kathy Rosario, you are one hell of a photographer. I salute the both of you..

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cancer in a Can: The Shocking True Story of how ‘Pringles’ are Made

If you want to understand the nature of Pringles and other stackable chips, you can forget idea that they are made from actual potatoes in any recognizable way.

The Pringles Company (in an effort to avoid taxes levied against “luxury foods” like chips in the UK) once even stated that the content of potatoes in their chips was so small that they are technically not even a potato chips.Cancer in a Can The Shocking True Story of how ‘Pringles’ are Made

So what are they exactly made of?

The process starts with a slurry of rice, potato flakes, wheat and corn which are pressed into shape.

This dough-like substance is then rolled out into an ultra-thin sheet cut into thin chip-cookies by a machine.

According to io9:

“The chips move forward on a conveyor belt where they’re pressed onto molds, that gives them the curve that helps them fit into one another.


Those molds move through boiling oil … Then are blown dried, sprayed with the powdered flavors, and at last, placed onto a slower-moving conveyor belt specially made allowing them to stack. After that, they go into the cans … and off to the innocent mouths of the consumers.”

I think that mostly everyone reading this, enjoys the taste of potato chips. However, one thing is clear, they are one of the most toxic processed foods you can eat— it doesn’t matter if they are made from actual potato shavings or not.

Potato Chips are Loaded with Cancer-Causing Chemicals.

One of the most hazardous ingredients in potato chips are not intentionally added, but rather are a byproduct of the processing.

A cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical, Acrylamide, is created when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures, whether fried, baked, toasted or roasted. Some of the worst offenders include French fries and potato chips, but many foods cooked or processed at temperatures above 212°F (100°C) are likely to contain acrylamide. The main rule is: the chemical is formed when the food is heated enough to produce a fairly dry and yellow/brown surface.

Hereby, it can be found in:

Potatoes: French fries, chips and other fried or roasted potato foods
Grains: toast,bread crust, roasted breakfast cereals, crisp bread and various processed snacks.
Coffee: ground coffee powder and roasted coffee beans. Surprisingly, substitutes for coffee based on chicory actually contain 2-3 times MORE acrylamide than real coffee.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mix These 3 Ingredients And Put Them On Your Hair! The Results Are Amazing

Cinnamon is fragrant and well it is likewise spare option for the majority of the chemicals for hair fading. Not just that it will help you make your hair brighter yet it will make it sparkling, milder and velvety and in the same time it will notice extraordinary.

When we are discussing cinnamon hair veil you have to realize that on the off chance that you like to achieve the hair shading you like than you ought to reinforce hair follicles and to accelerate their develop. This is going on account of the way that cinnamon is rich with vitamins and cell reinforcements. The best impact may be done in those that have cocoa hair and just with one treatment their hair will be brighter for 2 to 3 shades.

Brunettes ought to be more patient and to rehash the process a few times and to understand that it is depending of the structure and the hair shading maybe you won’t get any outcomes. Anyway, you won’t lose if you go for it.


.3 tbsp cinnamon
.5-6 tbsp hair balsam
.3 tbsp honey

How to prepare:

This amount of the ingredients can be used for one washing if you have for long hair.But if your hair is up to your shoulders then split the mixture.

Mix the honey and cinnamon in dish. Mix ease to connect the ingredients well. At the point when the blend will consolidate include the hair balsam and after that blend once more.

First rinse your hair extremely well and when it will be half dry brush it and separate it in strands. Put the blend with brush for hair passing on try to put from the blend on every strand. On the off chance that it is more agreeable for you can apply the blend with your hands and rub it in the hair. Be mindful so as not to put all over on the grounds that you may encounter mellow redness or aggravation. Don’t put on the scalp as well.

After putting the hair mask lift your hair and place it in a little bun. Put plastic sack on your head and use a towel to cover it. Let It stay for 30 min and afterward uproot the towel and keep the plastic sack for 4 – 5 hours. After that wash it with hot water. The outcome will astound you and your hair will be brighter up to 3 shades.

Repeat this treatment a few times if you need to make your hair considerably lighter. This hair veil suits and to those which have slick hair. In the event that your hair is dry than include 1 tbsp of olive oil.

Alert: When doing the treatment it is regular to feel gentle shivering and the veil has an impact just on natural not to colored hair.

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Secret Recipe For a Drink That quickly Melt Cellulite

Perhaps you have already heard about the numerous benefits of grapefruit, which is one of the healthiest fruits that exist. Besides helping to get rid of excess fat, grapefruit provides these benefits: – Improves circulation – Prevents accumulation of water in the body, thereby 

preventing the formation of cellulite – Speeds up metabolism – Discard toxins from the body – Regulates sugar levels in the blood – Prevents accumulation of water in the body, and thus prevents the occurrence of orange peel skin. The magic potion that will help you to get rid of cellulite as the main ingredient is grapefruit, but there are a few super-allies!

Recipe for a potion that melt cellulite Ingredients:

– A large grapefruit; – Two oranges; – ¼ lemon; – Piece of ginger. 

 Fruit Wash, peel and place the juicer. Drain and store it in the refrigerator. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach between meals. If you do not have a juicer, fruit drain in a strainer and the ginger you should chop it.

Monday, December 14, 2015

What kind of woman are you according to the month in which you are born

Did you know that the month you were born in can detremine some of your character traits? Read on and find out what your month says about you.
What Kind of Woman Are You According to the Month in Which You Were Born


Women born in January are exceptionally ambitious, but rather serious and conservative. They are also quite critical. Although they rarely get furious, make sure you avoid them when they are in such a mood. These women keep their feelings to themselves, so you’d better not expect openess on theit side. They can only be approached by people they consider are on the same intellectual level as they are and who have the same points of view.


February-born women have a rather abstract way of thinking, which is why many can’t understand them. You have to be patient with them as their mood changes quite too often. On the plus side, they are awfully romantic and would do anything for the person they love. Getting the same attention means a lot to them. They never go back to the person who betrays them.


These women are really easy-going until you upset them. Although generally loyal and devoted, in an attack of fury, they can put everything to an end. Only real men can truly appreciate these women, who typically have strong charisma and charm, which are really enchanting. Living with a woman born in March is a real pleasure. However, they don’t fall in love so easily because they don’t fall for tricks that men play on women.


April-born women are real diplomats. Communication is their strongest point, but occasionally, they are also prone to self-pity. You definitely must consider this aspect. Most of them are quite jealous, and this is something you should definitely move away from. However, once you win their trust, they can make you the happiest man alive. This is partly because they only open themselves to those who earn their trust.


These women are both determined and loyal to their principles. They are also quite attractive, which along with their difficult character, becomes a dangerous combination for any man who falls in love with them. Men generally never forget these women.


Curious, creative and communicative is what defines women born in June. They often speak before they think, which often hurts other people’s feelings. They think that truth is better told in the face, and not from behind a person’s back. Also, they are quite dangerous players in a relationship and men often become a playtoy in their hands.


Women born in July tend to be rather mysterious, but truly honest. Normally, they don’t let other people approach them easily. They rarely boast or brag, regardless of how intelligent or beautiful they are. They don’t feel comfortable in conflict situations and are polite to everyone. The past often hurts them a lot. You can easily lose them forever if you cheat on them.


August-born women are a unique blend of a great heart and self-centeredness. They typically win conflicts so it’s not advisable to get into a quarrel with them. They have an exceptional sense of humor, but don’t enjoy being mocked. They are normally the centre of attention and never lack male company. Men lose their heads in the presence of these women.


Kind, disciplined, and beautiful, these women never forget a betrayal. Be cautious not to make this mistake as they will seek revenge. These women want long relationships, meaning they aren’t the kind for one-night stand. On the other hand, they are quite critical and have really high expectationsof their partners. The man who gives the most will win their heart. No matter what their heart tells them, their mind doesn’t allow them to make a mistake.


These women have a very strong character, will and independence. However, they are really emotional, but hardly ever cry in front of other people. They are exceptionally smart and don’t open themselves to everyone, because they are well aware that people can take advantage of their vulnerability. October women are so strong, they can even conquer the strongest characters. Typically, they are the subject of envy of other women.


Women born in November are definitely not the type to play games with. They are normally one step ahead and can easily recognize a lie. Be careful not to lose their trust because you will get the short end of the stick. What you need to know about these women – if you are ready to hear the truth, is never ask their opinion.


December-born women are characterised as impatient, impulsive, but also really lucky. You don’t want to get into a conflict with these women as they always come out as winners. They’re fun to be with and are really good at cheering people up. They normally win your heart in a matter of minutes. They have a great heart although people often hurt them.

Friday, December 11, 2015

8 Effective Turmeric Face packs for Different skin types

Turmeric is a derivative of the ‘Cucurma longa’ plant roots. It is well known for its antibiotic and antibacterial properties. It enhances the health and glow of the skin. Hence, it is an essential component of the face packs. Some of the homemade turmeric packs for different skin types have been listed below:

For Dry Skin

Cream, Gram flour and Turmeric pack

To make this face pack you can mix 2 teaspoons of gram flour, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon of cream. You can also add almond oil if your skin is much dry and form a smooth paste. Apply over the skin and wash with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. These face packs help in keeping the skin hydrated and moisturizer in all kinds of weather.

Egg white and Turmeric pack

Mix the egg white with olive oil, rosewater, and lemon juice and turmeric powder to make a paste. Apply it on all the dry areas (including elbows and knees) and wash with lukewarm water.

For Oily Skin

Neem and Turmeric Face pack

Grind and make the paste of 30-40 neem leaves, a few drops of neem oil and a little turmeric. Apply this pack on a pimple prone skin to obtain an oil-free skin. Turmeric is a good exfoliator and also fights against pimple and acne problems. This combination helps the skin fight against bacterial and fungal infections.

Yoghurt, Multani mitti and Turmeric pack

This face pack is mostly preferred by oily skin people. You can mix 2 teaspoons of yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of fuller’s earth (multani mitti), rose water, and a little turmeric powder. The turmeric powder acts as an astringent. Apply the paste over the face, and wash with cold water after 15 minutes.

Orange, sandalwood and Turmeric pack

Mix 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder, some amount of orange juice and a little turmeric powder with rosewater. Apply the paste and wash with cold water after 15 minutes. Orange is used to bleach the skin naturally as it is rich in Vitamin C and other essential fruit acids

For Sensitive Skin: Aloe Vera and Turmeric pack

Mix 2 teaspoons of fuller’s earth (multani mitti), 1 teaspoon of yoghurt, and half a teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel with a little turmeric to make a smooth paste. Apply over the face and wash with cold water after 20 minutes. The aloe Vera gel available in the market can also be used as an alternative to the aloe Vera plant but fresh gel is always preferred.

For Fair Skin

Gram flour, Lemon and Turmeric pack

Mix gram flour, lemon juice and a little turmeric powder to form a paste. Apply all over the face and wash with warm water after 10 minutes. Turmeric helps in reduction of pigmentation, dark spots, dark circles and sun tan. It also helps in effective reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet. Their antiseptic property helps in soothing burns.

Honey, Yogurt and Turmeric

This combination helps as an antioxidant-ageing agent as well as to remove suntan. Mix 2 teaspoons of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey and a little turmeric to make a thick paste. Apply at least thrice a week to reduce ageing if the skin.

Remember to use very little turmeric as it tends to stain the skin yellow, washing with warm water can remove the stain. It’s better to wear an old dress before applying the packs as it tends to stain the fabric as well. Turmeric face packs are majorly used in bridal facials to give them a glowing skin. So, use turmeric face packs and flaunt a glowing skin!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

With This Recipe Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy

Every woman desires of a shiny, healthy hair. If you also long for a straight, thick, long and shiny hair, we tell you that your solution comes directly from your garden.

The onion treatmant for hair is very effective, and dermatologists say that there are no bad side effects on the scalp or hair. Those who have tried this method claim that it shows results after a month.

Onions are extremely beneficial for your hair, fot hey are high in sulfur, which stimulates the production of collagen. You all know that collagen is crucial for hair growth.


Take two tofour onions, grate them and squeeze their juice. Massage the head with the onion juice and leave it on for about 15 minutes. If you wish, you can even leave it up to an hour. Afterwards, wash your hair as you normally would and add conditioner.

This remarkable treatment should be done twice a month.

You should not worry, for there is no bad smell. After a month, your hair will grow like crazy!

Monday, December 7, 2015

AMAZING !! ONE-DAY DIET: Mix tea with milk and lose 2 pounds in a day!

If you suffer from a chronic disease, before the start of the diet, consult your doctor. Kilograms will go with “the sips”.

If you are among those who drink a cup of tea every day, this trick will help you remove two pounds effortlessly. Tea, depending on the type and basic ingredient, has many benefits for the body, and when combined with milk can help to lose weight. The important thing is combine green tea with milk because that combination allows the detoxify bomb positive effect on the body.ONE-DAY.

Diet with a combination of milk and tea is best known in Britain, where tea is an indispensable part of everyday .This is one-day diet that can be remove two kilograms in a day. It is important not to consume it more than twice a month. The ratio of tea and milk should be 50: 50 and drink it 20 minutes before a meal. It is best to consume green or black tea.

In addition to removing the weight, a combination of tea and milk is great for cleansing the body of toxins. If you suffer from intolerance to milk, kidney and gall bladder or low blood pressure, do not start this diet. Also, if you suffer from a chronic disease, before the start of the diet, consult your doctor.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

7 Homemade Besan Face Packs For All Skin Types

Besan or gram’s flour is an age old super hit granny’s recipe to fight out a number of skin problems like dull lifeless skin, acne, pimples, dark skin, blemish buster and for removal of unwanted hair. Besan has been documented since traditional times as an ingredient to many beauty and spa treatments. It is inexpensive and is easily available in everyone’s kitchen!!

Gram Flour tends to be alkalizing in nature – to make them slightly acidic; it is often used together with lemon or yogurt. This mixture when applied onto skin – attracts the toxins and dust which are lodged deep into the pores of the skin. Thus the concoction has good cleansing and anti-microbial properties which are beneficial to our skin.

Below are some recipes for homemade Besan face packs:

1. Yogurt Besan Face Pack For Oily Skin :

Besan Face packs made at home are great for oily skin because besan helps to absorb and remove excess oil.

Pack 1: Mix Besan (gram flour) along with rose water. Apply on the face, let it dry and wash off.

Pack 2: Besan mixed with curd/milk face pack also works good  for oily skinned. Make a thick paste of curd/milk and besan. Apply on the face and keep it for 20 minutes before washing it off.

 2. Face Packs With Besan For Dry Skin:

Gram flour works on all the skin types making it an ideal candidate as a cleansing agent. Dry skin can use homemade face packs made with besan, full cream/milk, honey and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this regularly on the face. The ingredients of the face pack will maintain the moisture levels of your skin and avoid dryness.

3. Face Masks With Gram Flour For Acne Or Pimple Prone Skin:

Pimple prone skin needs to be looked after because mostly pimple prone skin tends to be little sensitive too. Always stick to natural ingredients if your skin is sensitive.

 Face Packs for Pimple Prone skin

Pack 1: Mix gram flour and warm honey. Apply this paste regularly to your face. The anti-microbial properties of honey will definitely help curb pimples.

Pack 2: Mix Gram Flour, sandalwood powder, turmeric and rose water into a paste. Apply on the face and wash off after 20 minutes.

 4. Gram Flour Face Masks For Blemishes And Open Pores:

A paste of besan and cucumber juice will help reduce the blemishes and also tightens pores.

5. Besan Face Pack For Skin Whitening:

 face pack for blemishes

To bleach your skin naturally, Ground 4 almonds. Mix it with half teaspoon besan and half teaspoon of milk and lemon juice. Apply this paste on your face for 30 mins and allow the bleaching effect to occur.

For Dry Skin: homemade face pack of besan, lemon juice, full cream and honey also works better.

For Oily Skin: Replace the full cream with sandalwood powder or curd. These packs will lighten your skin tone and help in tan removal. Gram Flour Homemade face pack, dried orange peel powder and milk powder applied regularly will ensure you have smooth and fairer skin.

These besan face pack for fairness options work wonders for both dry and oily skin!

 6. Besan Face Mask To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair:

 Mask to remove unwanted Facial Hair

Mix gram flour with little water and apply on the desired area. Scrub it off when it completely dries. You can also add fenugreek powder to the mixture.

7. Besan Face Mask To Treat Dark Legs, Arms And Neck:

 Masks to treat Dark Legsand

Apply til oil daily and massage. Afterwards, mix besan, turmeric, lemon and curd and apply it thrice a week. Wash it off after keeping it for 30 minutes. Follow this by massaging til oil again.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Getting your baby into position for birth

If your baby is in a head-down position, with the back of his head slightly towards the front of your tummy (anterior position), your labour is likely to be shorter and easier. Most babies get into this position by the end of pregnancy.
In an anterior position, your baby fits snugly into the curve of your pelvis. During labour, your baby will curl his back over, and tuck his chin into his chest. Your labour and birth should progress easily if your baby is in this position, because:

During contractions, the top of your baby’s head puts rounded and even pressure on the neck of your uterus (cervix). This helps your cervix to widen, and your body to produce the hormones you need for labour.

During the pushing stage, your baby moves through your pelvis at an angle, so that the smallest area of his head comes first. Try putting on a tight polo neck without tucking in your chin and you’ll understand how this works!
When your baby gets to the bottom of your pelvis, he turns his head slightly, so that the widest part of his head is in the widest part of your pelvis. The back of his head can then slip underneath your pubic bone. As he is born, his face sweeps across the area between your vagina and back passage (perineum).

What’s a posterior position?

A posterior position is where your baby has his head down, but the back of his head is against your spine. By the time labour starts, about one in 10 babies are in this back-to-back position.

Most back-to-back babies are born vaginally. However, this position can make labour more difficult for you, particularly if your baby’s chin is pushed up, rather than tucked in:

You may have backache, as your baby’s skull is pushing against your spine.
Your waters may break in early labour.
Your labour may be long and slow, with bouts of contractions starting and stopping.
You may feel like pushing before your cervix is fully dilated.
Most posterior babies rotate to an anterior position during labour, with the right support. When your baby gets to the bottom of your pelvis, he’ll need to turn through almost 180 degrees (half-way round a circle) to get into the best position.

This can take quite a while. Sometimes, your baby may decide he’s not going to turn at all. This means that he will be born with his face looking up at you as he emerges. He may need forceps or ventouse to help him out.

Why are some babies posterior?

Your baby may be posterior because of the type and shape of your pelvis. Some women have a pelvis that’s narrow and oval (anthropoid pelvis), or wide and heart-shaped (an android pelvis), rather than round-shaped.

If your pelvis is oval or heart-shaped, rather than round, your baby is more likely to settle in a back-to-back position at the widest part of your pelvis. This is because he can rest his head more easily in this position.

When you relax on a comfortable armchair watching TV, or work at a computer for hours, your pelvis is tipped backwards. This encourages the back of your baby’s head and his spine (the heaviest part of him) to swing round to the back. In this position, he’ll end up lying against your spine.

If you do a lot of upright activities, your baby is more likely to go down into your pelvis in an anterior position, because your pelvis is always tipped forwards.

How can I help my baby get into an anterior position?

Try to tilt your pelvis forward, rather than back, when you’re sitting. Check that your knees are always lower than your hips. This is called optimal fetal positioning (OFP). It encourages your baby into an anterior position. It changes your posture, particularly when you’re sitting down.

Also, you may want to try the following:

Check that your favourite seat doesn’t make your bottom go down and your knees come up. If it does, try turning the chair round, and lean forwards over the back of the chair.
Try scrubbing the floor! When you’re on all fours, the back of your baby’s head swings to the front of your belly.
Move around if your job involves a lot of sitting, and take regular breaks.
Sit on a cushion in your car to lift up your bottom.
Watch TV leaning forward over a birth ball, or sitting on the ball. If you are sitting, make sure that your hips are higher than your knees.
Don’t worry about getting your baby into the right position when you lie down to sleep. Your baby is not being pushed down into your pelvis when you’re lying down. However, lying on your side, rather than your back, is the best position for sleep in late pregnancy.

Can I really make my baby get into the right position for birth?

Adopting a hands-and-knees position for 10 minutes, twice a day, can help to move your baby into an anterior position in late pregnancy. This technique (OFP) is tried-and-tested.

However, all doctors may not recommend OFP in pregnancy because of the lack of written evidence. Most doctors may still encourage you to try the positions during labour, as you may be more comfortable in them once your contractions start.

You could try to stay in upright or forward postures regularly in every-day life, rather than for short bursts. But this might not affect how your baby lies at birth.

If you try OFP during pregnancy, but your baby stays in a posterior position when labour starts, it may be because of the shape of your pelvis, rather than your posture.

How can I improve my baby’s position during labour?

If your baby is in a posterior position when labour starts, you can still use postures and movements to try and help your baby to turn and relieve your pain. It’s common for posterior babies to change position during labour, and most get themselves into an anterior position by the pushing stage.

You may feel slight niggling pains for several days before labour really starts. This can be tiring, but may be a sign that your baby is trying to turn into an anterior position.

You may find that one of the best positions is on all fours. In this position, your baby drops away from your spine, helping to relieve backache and hopefully helping him to turn, too.

Here are some tips for coping with pre-labour and early labour:

Get plenty of rest at night.

Vary your daytime activities from walking and moving around, to adopting all-fours or knees-to-chest positions. Knees –to-chest position is when you’re on your knees with your head, shoulders and upper chest on the floor or mattress, with your bottom in the air.
Lean forwards during contractions, and try pelvic rocking on a birth ball.
Eat and drink regularly to keep your strength up and stay hydrated.
Try to stay relaxed and positive.
When you’re in active labour, try to vary your positions and movements, and use whichever of the following is most comfortable for you as your labour progresses:

Adopt all-fours or knees-to-chest positions.
Lean forwards during your contractions by using a birth ball, beanbag, your labour partner, or the bed.
Ask your birth partner to massage your back.
Rock your pelvis during contractions to help your baby turn as he passes through the pelvis. A birth ball is great for pelvic rocking.
Adopt lunge positions, either when standing on one foot, kneeling on one knee, or when you’re lying on the bed. The side that is most comfortable to lunge is likely to be the side that gives your baby more room to turn.

Lie on the side that encourages your baby to turn the right way.
Walk or move every now and then. Don’t stay sitting in a chair, or on a bed in a leaning-back position, for too long.
If possible, try not to have an epidural too early on in labour. Epidurals may increase the chance of your baby being in a posterior position at birth. Epidurals also increase the likelihood of you having an assisted birth.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

10 Natural & Efffective Ways to Relieve Labor Pain

Can using warmth ease labour pain?

Applying warmth is a tried-and-tested way of relaxing aching, tense muscles. So it’s no surprise that it’s an effective way of providing relief from labour pain.

A wheat bag is a great way to warm your back, tummy or groin. This is a cloth bag that’s been filled with wheat husks and can be heated for just a few minutes in the microwave. It shapes itself to your body and should stay warm for an hour or so. Some wheat bags are even scented with lavender, which may also help you feel calm and relaxed.

Wheat bags are available online, in pharmacies and at many hospital antenatal clinics. Maximum heating times and instructions for use will be stated on the packet, so always be sure to follow them carefully.

Other effective ways to soothe your aches during labour using warmth are:

A hot water bottle filled with hot (but not boiling) water. Take care to wrap the bottle in a towel or soft cover before you use it.
Massage, particularly having someone rub your back, will warm your skin and stimulate your body to release its own natural painkillers. If you’re using essential oils, check with an accredited aromatherapist that they are safe to use during pregnancy.

A birth pool will soothe your aching back and help you cope with contractions. You should only use a birth pool once labour is established and your cervix is around 5cm dilated. The all-encompassing warmth will relax you and help you to store up energy for what’s to follow.
A warm flannel or compress placed on the area between the back of your vaginal opening and your back passage (perineum) can be used once your baby’s head emerges. It may reduce your risk of having a severe tear, and can make you feel more comfortable.
How can water reduce labour pain?

Labouring in warm water can relax you and make contractions more bearable, just as having a bath helps to ease tummy ache or backache.

Using a birth pool is likely to shorten the first stage of your labour and help you cope with the pain. Research has found that women who spend some time labouring in water are less likely to need an epidural or spinal than women who spend their entire labour out of water.

How can breathing help with contractions?

Focusing on your breathing is a really helpful way of getting through each contraction. Follow these tips to help make the most of your breathing:

As you breathe, think of the word “relax” in two stages. Take a deep breath at the beginning of the contraction and think “re-“, then as you breathe out, think “-lax” and let go of any tension.
Continue by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, keeping your mouth soft and slightly open.
Repeat this a few more times. Concentrate as hard as you can on breathing in as the contraction builds up, and out as it fades away.
Keep a good rhythm going. Don’t worry about how deeply you’re breathing, or for how long. Just try not to let the in-breath become longer than the out-breath.
When the contraction is over, try to relax as much as possible.
This rhythmic breathing will conserve your energy and help to ease your pain, too.

Will resting help?

In early labour you can prepare yourself for coping with pain. Make yourself as comfortable as possible in bed or on a chair. Tuck pillows all around yourself. Have a hot, sweet drink and relax. Put the television on or play some of your favourite music, and rest!

Later on, you’ll find it much easier to cope with painful contractions if you haven’t been rushing around when in early labour.

Should I change position during labour?

Yes, keeping mobile will help you cope as your labour progresses. There’s good evidence that staying in upright positions or walking around can help to shorten your labour by over an hour.

Unless you’re really tired, try not to lie on your back once you’re in active labour. Doing so can make your contractions slower and more painful.

Walking around and using upright positions means you’re less likely to need an epidural or a caesarean. It’s good for your baby too, as it reduces the likelihood that he’ll need special care.

Your midwife can guide and support you to try different positions. Some are designed to help you cope in the first stage of labour. Other positions may help your baby to descend in the second stage.

As labour progresses, lying on your side may help you to rest and keep your pelvis free and open. And if your baby is in a back-to-back position, lying on your side may help him to get into a better position for birth. An experienced midwife will help you to find the best side position to help your baby to turn.

Try out different positions to see what’s most comfortable. You could:

Stand up and lean on the bed or your partner.
Kneel down on a mat or pillow and lean on the seat of a chair or birth ball.
Kneel with one leg raised to make lots of room in your pelvis for your baby to come out.
Get on all fours to help ease backache. It’s likely to be less painful for you and may also help your baby get into a better position for birth.
Sit for a while in a chair or on a birth ball, then get up and walk around.
Rock your hips to help your baby to move down.
Saving energy in early labour is important, but sometimes a short, gentle walk can ease pain and speed up your contractions. That’s because it encourages your baby to move into a better position. Just try not to overdo it, as you’ll need plenty of energy later on.

Does massage help?

Massage may help you to keep calm and cope with labour pain.
Tell your birth partner or midwife where you’d like to be massaged. You may prefer it at the very base of your back during contractions. Or you may like your shoulders massaged between contractions to help you relax. Give feedback so you get the best out of it.

A massage that starts slowly is best. Frantic rubbing will make you feel panicky rather than relaxed! Firm pressure will help stimulate your body to release feel-good hormones (endorphins), which help to reduce pain as well as aiding relaxation.

Do I need a birth partner?

If you have someone supportive to comfort and stay with you during labour, you’re likely to give birth more quickly and easily. You’re also likely to use less pain relief than someone without continuous support. Overall, you’re more likely to be more satisfied with your birth experience if you have a birth partner.

Who you choose as your birth partner may make a difference too. You’re more likely to have a positive experience if you have someone with you who isn’t part of the hospital staff, but also isn’t a friend or family member. For example, this could be a doula or a woman who’s given birth before herself. Don’t worry if this doesn’t appeal to you, though. A good friend, family member or your partner will also be able to provide excellent support as a birth partner.

Think carefully about who you want to have with you during your labour and birth. You’ll need someone who won’t panic, believes you can do it, and is confident enough to talk to health professionals on your behalf.

You may like to choose two birth partners. Keep in mind that some hospitals dislike having two extra people in the birth room at the same time, due to lack of space. Your hospital may allow you to have one of your two birth partners in the room at a time, though.

Discuss this with your midwife and ask for your requests to be put in your notes well before your due date. Your preference is what matters.

How will my midwife help?

A kind, able midwife will keep you informed about what’s happening when you’re in labour. If you want to use natural pain relief to cope with contractions, she’ll help you. And if you choose an epidural or other medical pain relief, she’ll support you.

Some midwives are trained in complementary therapies, such as aromatherapy and shiatsu massage. It’s worth asking if any of the midwives in your clinic or hospital have these extra skills.

Doulas aren’t regulated in the same way. So if you employ a doula who’s offering complementary therapies, it’s worth checking what training she’s had to give you peace of mind.