Can using warmth ease labour pain?
Applying warmth is a tried-and-tested way of relaxing aching, tense muscles. So it’s no surprise that it’s an effective way of providing relief from labour pain.
A wheat bag is a great way to warm your back, tummy or groin. This is a cloth bag that’s been filled with wheat husks and can be heated for just a few minutes in the microwave. It shapes itself to your body and should stay warm for an hour or so. Some wheat bags are even scented with lavender, which may also help you feel calm and relaxed.
Wheat bags are available online, in pharmacies and at many hospital antenatal clinics. Maximum heating times and instructions for use will be stated on the packet, so always be sure to follow them carefully.
Other effective ways to soothe your aches during labour using warmth are:
A hot water bottle filled with hot (but not boiling) water. Take care to wrap the bottle in a towel or soft cover before you use it.
Massage, particularly having someone rub your back, will warm your skin and stimulate your body to release its own natural painkillers. If you’re using essential oils, check with an accredited aromatherapist that they are safe to use during pregnancy.
A birth pool will soothe your aching back and help you cope with contractions. You should only use a birth pool once labour is established and your cervix is around 5cm dilated. The all-encompassing warmth will relax you and help you to store up energy for what’s to follow.
A warm flannel or compress placed on the area between the back of your vaginal opening and your back passage (perineum) can be used once your baby’s head emerges. It may reduce your risk of having a severe tear, and can make you feel more comfortable.
How can water reduce labour pain?
Labouring in warm water can relax you and make contractions more bearable, just as having a bath helps to ease tummy ache or backache.
Using a birth pool is likely to shorten the first stage of your labour and help you cope with the pain. Research has found that women who spend some time labouring in water are less likely to need an epidural or spinal than women who spend their entire labour out of water.
How can breathing help with contractions?
Focusing on your breathing is a really helpful way of getting through each contraction. Follow these tips to help make the most of your breathing:
As you breathe, think of the word “relax” in two stages. Take a deep breath at the beginning of the contraction and think “re-“, then as you breathe out, think “-lax” and let go of any tension.
Continue by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, keeping your mouth soft and slightly open.
Repeat this a few more times. Concentrate as hard as you can on breathing in as the contraction builds up, and out as it fades away.
Keep a good rhythm going. Don’t worry about how deeply you’re breathing, or for how long. Just try not to let the in-breath become longer than the out-breath.
When the contraction is over, try to relax as much as possible.
This rhythmic breathing will conserve your energy and help to ease your pain, too.
Will resting help?
In early labour you can prepare yourself for coping with pain. Make yourself as comfortable as possible in bed or on a chair. Tuck pillows all around yourself. Have a hot, sweet drink and relax. Put the television on or play some of your favourite music, and rest!
Later on, you’ll find it much easier to cope with painful contractions if you haven’t been rushing around when in early labour.
Should I change position during labour?
Yes, keeping mobile will help you cope as your labour progresses. There’s good evidence that staying in upright positions or walking around can help to shorten your labour by over an hour.
Unless you’re really tired, try not to lie on your back once you’re in active labour. Doing so can make your contractions slower and more painful.
Walking around and using upright positions means you’re less likely to need an epidural or a caesarean. It’s good for your baby too, as it reduces the likelihood that he’ll need special care.
Your midwife can guide and support you to try different positions. Some are designed to help you cope in the first stage of labour. Other positions may help your baby to descend in the second stage.
As labour progresses, lying on your side may help you to rest and keep your pelvis free and open. And if your baby is in a back-to-back position, lying on your side may help him to get into a better position for birth. An experienced midwife will help you to find the best side position to help your baby to turn.
Try out different positions to see what’s most comfortable. You could:
Stand up and lean on the bed or your partner.
Kneel down on a mat or pillow and lean on the seat of a chair or birth ball.
Kneel with one leg raised to make lots of room in your pelvis for your baby to come out.
Get on all fours to help ease backache. It’s likely to be less painful for you and may also help your baby get into a better position for birth.
Sit for a while in a chair or on a birth ball, then get up and walk around.
Rock your hips to help your baby to move down.
Saving energy in early labour is important, but sometimes a short, gentle walk can ease pain and speed up your contractions. That’s because it encourages your baby to move into a better position. Just try not to overdo it, as you’ll need plenty of energy later on.
Does massage help?
Massage may help you to keep calm and cope with labour pain.
Tell your birth partner or midwife where you’d like to be massaged. You may prefer it at the very base of your back during contractions. Or you may like your shoulders massaged between contractions to help you relax. Give feedback so you get the best out of it.
A massage that starts slowly is best. Frantic rubbing will make you feel panicky rather than relaxed! Firm pressure will help stimulate your body to release feel-good hormones (endorphins), which help to reduce pain as well as aiding relaxation.
Do I need a birth partner?
If you have someone supportive to comfort and stay with you during labour, you’re likely to give birth more quickly and easily. You’re also likely to use less pain relief than someone without continuous support. Overall, you’re more likely to be more satisfied with your birth experience if you have a birth partner.
Who you choose as your birth partner may make a difference too. You’re more likely to have a positive experience if you have someone with you who isn’t part of the hospital staff, but also isn’t a friend or family member. For example, this could be a doula or a woman who’s given birth before herself. Don’t worry if this doesn’t appeal to you, though. A good friend, family member or your partner will also be able to provide excellent support as a birth partner.
Think carefully about who you want to have with you during your labour and birth. You’ll need someone who won’t panic, believes you can do it, and is confident enough to talk to health professionals on your behalf.
You may like to choose two birth partners. Keep in mind that some hospitals dislike having two extra people in the birth room at the same time, due to lack of space. Your hospital may allow you to have one of your two birth partners in the room at a time, though.
Discuss this with your midwife and ask for your requests to be put in your notes well before your due date. Your preference is what matters.
How will my midwife help?
A kind, able midwife will keep you informed about what’s happening when you’re in labour. If you want to use natural pain relief to cope with contractions, she’ll help you. And if you choose an epidural or other medical pain relief, she’ll support you.
Some midwives are trained in complementary therapies, such as aromatherapy and shiatsu massage. It’s worth asking if any of the midwives in your clinic or hospital have these extra skills.
Doulas aren’t regulated in the same way. So if you employ a doula who’s offering complementary therapies, it’s worth checking what training she’s had to give you peace of mind.
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