
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

25 Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 10 Days

Picture this. You go to a party and try to resist all the good food around. You succeed mostly, but then a helping of extra cheese or that delicious dessert piece cannot be prevented! The next time you check your weight it hits you that it hasn’t really budged much. That is when the guilt kicks in. Everyone has been there. Every woman desires to lose weight and look beautiful but temptation and laziness always get in the way.

Well, we know that feeling. But don’t worry – this post talks about the 25 simple ways to lose weight in just 10 days! To know more, keep reading.

Obesity – A Brief

Obesity is a common problem; it is a chronic disease like diabetes and heart ailments because it is really difficult to cure obesity. The dangerous part is obesity leads to many other health complications, so it has to stop anyhow. Blame all amazing restaurants, junk food joints and ice cream parlours with their lip-smacking food for this situation. This problem has gotten even worse now. It is getting equally common in adults as in kids.

Though you hear every third person asking you to lose weight you still don’t seem to pay heed to it. The reason – Reducing weight has always been a challenging issue. It takes a lot to give up bad habits after all. It took me 2 years to realize that I MUST stop eating and start losing weight.

To find out whether you suffer from obesity or not, read the following. As an obese person (that is, if you are one), you will definitely have one or more of the following experiences:

You might not be very comfortable wearing tight fitted clothes as it shows off your extra fat.
You tend to lose your confidence. When you meet new people, also when your relatives or friends advise you to lose weight which is a bit embarrassing and reduces your level of confidence even more.
Health related problems – If you’re not fit, you would indeed come across health-related common problems like strokes, diabetes or blood pressure.
Pigmentation – Obese people are often found to have pigmentation on their face or body. This is due to improper nutrients intake and junk food they consume.
Improper menstruation cycle – Obesity is a very common reason behind improper menstrual cycle and delayed pregnancy in obese women.
Scary as these indicators may sound, there sure is a sigh of relief. Losing weight sure is difficult, but not as difficult as you think it to be. With a conscious effort, you can lose weight easily.

Lose Weight In JustClick here to view an enlarged version of this infographic

Following are the 25 simple tips that can help you lose weight in ten days:

1. Increase Water Intake (The Water Therapy):

Water is a very important factor in any weight reduction program. Consumption of water cleanses the toxins from the body in the form of urine. Drink about 4 to 5 liters of water every day.

Different bodies have different requirements of water. A simple way to track how many liters of water your body needs in a day is to divide your weight by 20. The result you will get from this equation will give you the liters of water you must consume every day. For example: If you weigh 70 kilos, then dividing it by 20 gives 3.5 as result. So you must drink a minimum of 3.5 liters of water every single day. This is an essential step for weight loss in 10 days.

2. Green Tea Instead Of Coffee Or Tea:

Drinking a cup of hot green tea every morning on an empty stomach can cleanse the toxins in your body. It can also help reduce the problem of constipation. Green tea has low calories and starting your day with it instead of tea or coffee is very good tip for weight loss.

3. Hot Water With Lemon And Honey:

Hot water with lemon and honey is a great trick for losing weight. To make:

Mix a spoon of lime juice and half a spoon of honey to hot or lukewarm water.
Drink this every morning on an empty stomach to aid your weight loss in 10 days.

4. Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates:

Rice contains a lot of calories and carbohydrates in it. Reducing the intake of rice can reduce weight to a great extent. A lot of people in India (South Indians) start their day with a dosa or an idly. These dishes are primarily made from rice. Some people also have this for their dinner. If you want to lose weight, it is essential to reduce these carbohydrates intake ta a great extent.

5. Increase Protein Intake:

Protein is a muscle builder that can effectively reduce the fat in our body. It can also convert the loose fat into muscles. Increase the intake of protein and replace carbohydrates food with protein food.

6. Increase Fiber Intake:

Having food with soluble fibers is a great way to reduce weight. Consuming foods that contain soluble fibers will shed the weight by reducing the bad cholesterol in your body. Soluble fibers dissolve in water and form a gel like substance inside the body which slows down digestion. Food with soluble fibers keeps your stomach full for a longer time and this prevents overeating. It keeps weight under control, the slow stomach emptying helps to check blood sugar levels and this has a positive impact on insulin sensitivity.

Soluble fibers control diabetes effectively. Soluble fibers are kind to your heart, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes by preventing the absorption of LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol. This is bad cholesterol that blocks the blood vessels and result in heart attacks. Soluble fibers don’t interfere with the absorption of dietary cholesterol that is good for health. After all not all cholesterol cause harm!

Incorporate oatmeal, lentils, apples, oranges, pears, oat bran, strawberries, nuts, flaxseeds, beans, dried peas, blueberries, psyllium, cucumbers, celery and carrots. You can make several delicious dishes with this combination, so that you don’t have to compromise on taste while losing weight.

7. Avoid The Problem Of Constipation:

Constipation can delay weight reduction process a lot. This is because the toxic and waste components are not flushed out from your body. Make sure you keep your system clean and toxin-free.

Drink lots of water and juices. Also have food rich in fiber like apples, oats and green vegetables. You can have banana or ripe papaya; it is rich in vitamins and is a natural laxative. You can have medicines, but sticking to organic fiber rich foods is the best idea.

8. Avoid Junk Food:

Want to lose weight in 10 days? Avoid junk food completely! Junk foods like pizza, burgers, sausages, etc. do not contain any nutritive value. All they offer is fat and added weight. Junk food is the most common factor for putting on weight. Steer clear of these items.

Processed food and fast food are delicious no doubt, it is good to have it once in a while but don’t make it a weekly habit. Junk food can trigger stomach and liver disease due to contamination. Stomach problems will reduce weight, but is that a healthy way to lose weight. Losing weight should be a planned effort, it is best to follow a scientific approach for balanced weight loss.

9. Soy Protein:

This protein is a plant-derived protein and helps in weight reduction as its low in fat. Adding the right amount of soy protein to your diet can help you reduce weight further.

You can use soy nuggets, soy granules, miso, tempeh and tofu for cooking. Soy products have all the essential amino acids are less in calorie. No doubt soy milk and tofu have become so popular. You can include tofu in salads and stews, that are great on taste and also controls your weight.

10. Protein Meal Twice A Day:

A meal that is rich in protein can promote weight loss enormously. So it’s necessary to consume a protein rich meal at least twice a day. Preferably have it for your breakfast and dinner. It can either be protein shakes or salads that are rich in protein.

11. Consume Low-Calorie Food:

The trick to losing weight in ten days is to consume low-calorie food to reduce weight. Add boiled food to your diet and avoid foods that are sweet, rich in fats or fried.

12. Get Rid Of Food Cravings:

Food craving is very common and an uncontrollable factor among obese people. Never consume snacks or food when you have food craving sensation. Instead, drink plenty of water to avoid it.

Binge eating is quite common. We don’t realize what strong signals from the brain provoke us to have food full of empty calories. You have to analyze what is driving you towards these unhealthy foods that are your favorite. Once you know the reason behind binge eating then only you can stop it. For instance, you are depressed and you want to divert your mind so you order for a pizza with extra cheese which will make you feel good. Here is where we make mistakes, instead of ordering the pizza you could have talked to friend and expressed your anxiety; this would have helped to cheer you up better than a pizza!

Do you know why you binge eat? Or why you ordered that pizza? When you have your favorite pizza or candy, your brain releases dopamine and endorphins that lifts your mood instantly. You want to eat more sugary and fatty foods, this leads to unnecessary increase in weight. It is like a vicious cycle, that you have to break it with your willpower. You have to motivate yourself to ditch the junk food and switch over to healthy options. Healthy foods are also delicious; all you have to be is an innovative cook!

13. Prefer Sprouts To Fatty Snacks:

Boiled sprouts are rich in nutrients and have fewer calories. They can be consumed twice a day for brunch or in the evening time 2 hours before dinner. They provide you better nutrients than any other snack. Plus they aid your weight loss.

14. Not More Than 3 Meals A Day:

Never consume more than 3 proper meals a day. And most importantly, only the meal for your lunch can be heavy; whereas your breakfast and dinner should always be light. This is one of the most important tip on how to lose weight in 10 days naturally list.

15. Proper Exercise:

Working out is very important to lose weight and the simple equation to stay fit is: Proper diet + work out = FIT. You need not necessarily hit a gym to work out. You can start it at home with simple exercises like sit ups or skipping for about 10 -15 minutes a day. You can also go for morning or evening walks and jogging.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Best Daily Workout Plan for Women

If you find it hard to hit the gym every now and then, this daily workout plan for women is your one-stop exercise menu for a fit and healthy body. Regular exercise is key to a fit physique and overall health of a person. Not only do you feel energetic and active, but you also look and feel great! Having a fit body has its pros – you are more confident about yourself and are more comfortable in your own skin, you do not shy away from interactions, and the best of all, you get to flaunt your toned self to others! Simply incorporate these exercises into your daily routine and pave the way for a fitter and healthier you.

Warm Up

A proper warm up before any workout is a must to prevent injuries and to make the work out much more effective. Spend at least five to six minutes on warming up.

Begin marching on the spot, followed by marching forward and backward. Make sure you move your arms, just as you would when you march. Continue this for about three minutes
Next, move onto the heel digs. Place the right heel in front, keeping the foot pointed up, and punch out. Repeat the same for the left leg. Aim to complete sixty heel digs in sixty seconds
Stand straight, and bring up the right knee to touch the left hand. Remember to keep your abs tight and back straight. You can slightly bend the other leg for support. Switch over to the left leg. Aim to complete thirty knee lifts in thirty seconds
Next, keep marching on the spot. While doing so, roll your shoulders forward five times, and backward five times, all the while keeping your arms loose by your sides. Complete two sets of ten reps
Finally, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands stretched out. Lower yourself up to approximately ten centimetres from your initial position height, by bending your knees. Come back up and repeat ten times


Incorporating cardio workouts into your daily workout plan is ideal, since cardio workouts are known to increase your heart rate, which results in more fat being burnt up, which in turn leads to a lean figure. The typical cardio exercises include running, cycling and swimming. Skipping is also an excellent option. Spend at least fifteen to twenty minutes on cardio exercises. Other simple cardio workouts are:

Rocket Jumps: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, legs bent and hands on your thighs. Jump up, driving your hands straight above your head and extending your entire body. Land softly, reposition your feet and repeat. Complete two sets of fifteen to twenty reps each. End with a walk or jog on the spot for about thirty seconds
Star Jumps: Stand straight, keeping your arms by your side and knees slightly bent. Jump up, extending your arms and legs out into a star shape in the air. Land softly, with your knees together and hands by your side. Keep your abs tight and back straight during the exercise

Targeted Workouts

For specific areas of the body, target workouts are used to focus on these areas.

Legs, butt and stomach: Squats work great for firm glutes and thighs. Simply stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands down by your sides or stretched out in front for extra balance. Lower yourself by bending your knees until they are nearly at a right angle, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes. Complete two sets of twenty reps each.
Next, stand straight, avoiding locking your legs. Slowly move onto your toes, lifting your heels off the ground and then slowly lower your heels back down. These calf raises are good for obtaining shapely legs and calves. Perform two sets of fifteen reps each.

Finally, end this set with stomach crunches to tone the abs. Lie down on your back with knees bent and hands behind your ears. Keeping your lower back pressed into the floor, raise your shoulder blades no more than 3 inches off the floor and slowly lower down. Don’t tuck your neck into your chest as you rise and don’t use your hands to pull your neck up. Complete two sets of twenty reps each.

Back: Planks work best to target the lower back and core muscles. Lie on your front propped up on your forearms and toes. Keep your legs straight and hips raised to create a straight and rigid line from head to toe. Your shoulders should be directly above your elbows. Focus on keeping your abs contracted during the exercise. Hold this position for five to ten seconds and repeat about ten times.
Upper Arms: Perform ten to fifteen reps of these press-ups for toned arms, shoulders and chest. Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your arms fully extended, palms flat and fingers facing forward. Legs are straight and knees are off the floor. Your body should form a rigid plank from head to toe. Lower yourself by bending your elbows out to the sides until your chest is about two inches above the floor, and then push back.
Tricep kickbacks, as the term suggests work on the triceps. Kneel down on your right knee and lean forwards. Raise your left elbow behind you, keeping the arm bent at about ninety degrees. Straighten your left elbow to raise your arm behind you as far as feels comfortable. Bend your elbow to return to the starting position and repeat ten to fifteen times. Then, switch knees and perform the exercise with the right arm.

Post your workout, it is important to stretch and cool down for about five minutes. This will help you gradually relax, improve your flexibility and slow your heart rate.

Bring your knees up to chest and cross your right leg over the left thigh. Grasp the back of left thigh with both hands. Pull left leg toward chest. Do this for about ten to fifteen seconds and repeat with opposite leg

Lie down on your back and raise your right leg. Keeping your left leg bent with your foot on the floor, pull your right leg towards you keeping it straight. Hold for about ten to fifteen seconds. Do not hold at the knee level. Repeat with opposite leg.

Next, sit down with your back straight and bend your legs, putting the soles of your feet together. Holding on to your feet, try to lower your knees towards the floor. Do this for another fifteen seconds
Step your right leg forward, keeping it bent and lean forwards slightly. Keep your left leg straight and try to lower the left heel to the ground. Perform this calf stretch for about ten seconds and then repeat with opposite leg.

Lie down on your right side, grab the top of your left foot and gently pull the heel towards your left buttock to stretch the front of the thigh, keeping knees touching. Do this for about fifteen seconds and repeat on the other side.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How to Get Rid of Back Fat Easily and Quickly at Home

Fat on the body is bad news. It doesn’t just look bad, but these excess pounds bring poor health with it too. It is by now an established fact that obesity can cause a lot of medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke and several others. Several studies and research works have proved this beyond doubt. Obesity can kill self-confidence and bring down morale too, which again can have a long-term negative impact on the mind and the body. But the sad reality is that, we see obesity the world over these days. It seems to be getting worse. Back fat is probably a more serious condition, as we tend to ignore this. That’s because, we tend to ignore about our backsides. Most people are just worried about their tummy. But that’s not how it should be. We need to know how to get rid of back fat as well. This should be a priority too.

The Causes of Back Fat – The Bra
It’s only recently that we are getting to hear the phrase “back fat”. When a woman walks away from you, and you see that the backside of her side shirt isn’t lying smoothly on the skin, then it’s got to be back fat. In simple terms, this is just fat on the back side of the body. It could be lower back fat, or fat around the tummy, buttocks, upper back fat around the shoulders or the spine.

1.    Not wearing the bra properly –
One cause of back fat is the bra, particularly not wearing it properly. Often, a lot of women would put on the bra incorrectly. They would put the arms through its straps and then fasten the back side of their bra. But, they will forget the last thing, which is pulling it back down to anchor below the blades of the shoulder. The back of your bra can creep up when it is not adjusted properly, and this is going to push the skin up. This causes back fat. The good news is that, a bra that fits properly can help you get rid of back fat.

2.    A bra with a big band size –
There is another cause of back fat. If you wear a bra where the band size is too big, then you can have fat in the back side. Most ladies don’t realize this, but the fact is that, you can have back fat if the band is not tight enough. An improper band size is going to make the bra creep up and push the skin along with it. The right band size anchors the bra’s back. It stays in the right place, and gives your back the nice and smooth look. So you see, the bra is not just about your breasts, it’s also about how your back side might appear.

3.    A skimpy bra –
You can have back fat if the back and wings of the bra are extremely skimpy. A wider back and sides will flatten your skin below fitted clothes. You will get a lower bulge. It’s always better to wear a bra with a wider back than something skimpy that causes fat.

Health and Lifestyle Reasons for Back Fat
There are of course many general health and lifestyle issues that cause back fat too. Here are some of the major ones. You should know these causes if you are trying to lose back fat fast. Take action now, because back fat could be a sign that you are carrying excess pounds in your body.

•    Activity Level
A lot of us are leading sedentary lifestyles now. In other words, most of us are doing far less physical activity than what we ought to. The computer has worsened things. The body needs a source of fuel for all activities. It will first burn the stored sugar, and then use up fat. When you do not use the fuel, the metabolism of your body will cool down, and gradually over time, you will accumulate fat.

•    Dietary Habits
It is essential for you to watch what you are eating and drinking too. Consider where your food products are coming from. Are you taking a lot of processed foods that have loads of preservatives and additives? Or are you on a diet of organic food that is food from natural sources? The kind of food you usually get at fast food joints are from packages – these are your fast foods. They often taste amazing, but these foods can never be healthy for you. They have a lot of calories, fats, sodium, added sugar and carbohydrates. Yes, your body needs them to some extent for proper functioning, but with these packaged foods, you will end up getting too much fat. And of course, a diet that is rich in calories, sugars and fats will give you back fat.

Sometimes medicines can also cause obesity and back fat. However, this is not that serious, as you can always get rid of lower back fat once you have stopped taking them. It’s just temporary. The main cause of fat throughout your body, including your back, is poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. These are the common culprits.

Age and Back Fat

There’s another reason of back fat, and that is age. We all know that the skin’s firmness goes down with age. This happens to all of us and is a part of our natural aging process. And the skin can get even more spongy and soft if you gain weight.

Any form-fitting clothes you wear could cause indentation at the back. So if you are an older woman, and if you are asking how to lose back fat, then what’s the solution for you?

Don’t lose heart, as there are a few ideas for you. For instance, you may want to wear one of these camisoles instead of the bra. The camisole is smooth. Plus, it’s going to give you the support you need all the way to your waist.

How Can I Lose Back Fat
It’s good to know the reasons for all that back fat, but the more important question obviously is, how can you get rid of back fat? Here are some ideas for you.

But even before you go deeper into this section, it’s good to realize that it is not possible to lose fat from just one area of your body, even though it might seem to you that there is more of it concentrated in some particular body parts. If you have fat on the back side, it is likely that you have in other places too. Do the right things and you can certainly lose that fat. Take action now, because obesity is indeed very bad.

Exercises to Lose Back Fat
The most difficult thing about losing the excess pounds is that, you cannot concentrate on a specific body part and lose fat from it. You must train the entire body to burn fat. The results are visible all over. But, you can focus the toning and strengthening exercises on a single area. And you will lose fat too.

1.    Pull-ups
Where it works – Back muscles, biceps

There are many muscles in the back. The pull-up sculpts and tones them all. The best is the normal pull-up, where you have to use your palms faced out and grip the bar. Do this twice in sets of ten. The chin-up pose, where your palms are facing you is easier to do. That’s a good one. But make it the second option, as it does not affect the biceps that much. Some other options for you are negative pull-ups, assisted pull-ups, and the TRX assisted inverted tow.

2.    Push-ups
Where it works – Chest and back

Here you are actually working your chest. However, this can be a very good exercise to lose back fat too. You start in the standard push-up pose. Hands must be on the ground. You will be engaging the back as you get lower into a contracted pose. Lower yourself gradually. Keep your focus on the downward movement. Push up after holding for 3 seconds. Contract your chest as you do this. A couple of sets of ten each should be enough for a day.

3.    Rowing machine
Where it works – Muscles in the legs and back

These machines have become very popular now. There is a good reason for this. It’s among the best back fat workouts. The rowing movement targets the back with perfection. So get on that rowing machine. You cannot do anything wrong here.

4.    Dumbbell row
Where it works – Arms and upper back

Keep one of your knees on the table or bench. Keep some weight (3 to 5 pounds) on your hand. Now bend forward slightly. Your back should be flat. Pull your arm back as if you are rowing. Your upper back should contract, and the elbow should be at the side of your body as you are moving. Switch your arms after completing a set of 12.

5.    Upper body cycle
Where it works – Triceps and back

Very few people use the upper body bike in health clubs. That’s good for you because you need it to fight lower back fat. It’s great for your back and triceps. 5 minutes is going to be enough on this. You will get better results if you can do it backwards.

Do these back fat workouts between two to three times every week. That should be enough. But remember, it’s not really essential to do all of them at the same time. Just pick three exercises from the five mentioned above every time you visit the gym. Focus on these workouts. You might want to vary a bit to achieve the best results, and to keep your sessions interesting.

With these back fat exercises, You will achieve better posture, and get a toned and sexy looking back. And yes, you will certainly be able to lose that back fat.


4 Best Wrapping Methods That Are Great For Body Detox And Weight Loss

Wrapping in plastic wrap has become one of the popular cosmetic procedures at present. The effect of this particular technique is based on creating a greenhouse effect. It increases blood circulation and the work of sweat glands, eliminating the toxins and harmful substances. There are different ways of wrapping in plastic wrap or in foil, each of which is productive in their own way. Today, we propose four effective methods for weight loss, detoxification and the release of cellulite. Check out this superb technique and lose weight faster
Wrapping with honey

Honey wrappings or the wrapping with honey is a simple and wonderful technique that gives great results. To make the honey wrappings you need to heat the honey in a small bowl, add 1 egg yolk and a few drops of a citrus essential oil (lemon, orange or jojoba oil). Apply this mixture on the problem areas like the waistline, abs, tummy, thighs etc., and firmly wrap with a household foil. Put on warm clothes, lie in bed and cover yourself with warm blanket. After an hour, remove the foil and take a shower.

Honey and egg wrap

You will need some honey, egg yolk, lemon, essential oil and finally a plastic wrap to get this stomach or fat wrap on you. First, fill up honey, egg yolk and some drops of lemon juice or essential oil in a bowl. Heat this up in the bowl and put this mixture on fat filled areas like belly, thighs, arms etc. Apply this around the midsection of your belly and wrap it using a foil. This causes the excess fat to be released from your abdominal region. You can cover up with more winter clothes for better results. Leave it for an hour and wash it completely or have a nice shower with hot water. The entire process supports the detoxification of your body, especially the abdomen.

Wrapping with clay

Anti-cellulite clay wrapping is the best way to burn fat. It is best to take blue clay because it contains a large number of microelements which have a beneficial effect on the skin. Dilute a small amount of blue clay with warm water until the consistency of a cream and apply evenly on the problematic zone. Wrap in plastic wrap or in foil and put on warm clothes. Leave the wraps for an hour, during which time you can do physical exercises.

Wrapping in household foil

If you visit a gym or do physical exercises three times a week, wrap in foil the problematic areas of the body and regulate your diet – you can easily lose 2-3 pounds in a week. Household foil is not expensive – we can all afford it. You can wrap not just your stomach, but also your hands and feet. This technique helps much in the process of body shaping. When you sweat – then you lose weight and this is what the agenda of the procedure is. The foil is an ideal variant and so the effects are such effective. This also helps you to improve the quality of the skin, and it is effective in fighting cellulite.

Important things to note

Wrapping should be done at least twice a week and will surprise you soon with fantastic results! You will not just get rid of the fat and cellulite, but stretch marks as well. In the procedure of wrapping, your skin will absorb enough useful microelements and it will become smooth, soft and elastic. Before the wrapping procedure, it is desirable to do body scrub for a better effect.

You can choose any of these wraps for effective results. The plastic wrap actually works in the principle of the greenhouse effect and still boosts the functioning of sweat glands. It in turn gets the toxins eliminated from your body and becomes the popular cosmetic procedure in this way. You can follow this procedure of plastic wrap twice a week and you will experience fantastic changes in your body. Along with this, you should follow a healthy diet that is filled with fruits and vegetables.


Monday, October 19, 2015

Say Goodbye to Belly Fat: 5 Kg Less In Only 3 Days

How many times you felt desperate beacause of your belly fat and you just couldn`t keep on trying? After so many different unsuccessful diets you even tried starving until you almost fainted.

Well, we have a great solution for you. A natural juice made of parsley stems, one lemon and 2 dl water, will make your body fit and perfect.

Cut the parsley in smallest pieces ( blender would be the best option) and then add the mixture to the lemon juice and the water. It is really important to drink this juice in the morning on empty stomach, freshly prepared and only for 5 days. After that, make a pause for about 10 days.

Parsley is rich with vitamins ( A,B, C) which improve the work of the digestive system and boosts up the metabolism. Apart from losing weight, parsley helps with menstrual problems, detoxicates the organism and has a positive effect on heart function.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

10 Silly And Undesirable Mistakes You May Do While You Lose Weight

You snack on fruit, count calories, and get some form of exercise most days. So when you step on that scale and the needle stays put, you wonder what the heck you’re doing wrong. Even with clean eating and good fitness habits, you may be making a few small mistakes that can lead to a plateau and derail your results. Is it possible that you make small mistakes that you do not notice? Here are the ten of the most common flaws done by people and how to upgrade your already-healthy habits to finally reach your get-slim goal.
Skipping breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, gives us the energy, prevents premature starvation, because it slows down the metabolism and thus overeating throughout the day.

Eating cooked food instead of fresh one

Fresh foods contain mostly healthy nutrients, unlike processed food that can hide extra calories that you are not aware of. The terms ‘fat-free’ or ‘sugar-free’ can create a green light effect, triggering people to eat more. Go for reasonable amounts of the real thing and eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Doing same type of exercises

Many people who want to lose weight are constantly practicing the same type of exercises and most of them are trying to get rid of belly fat. If you neglect cardio exercises, you will not lose weight. Regular active training helps in burning more calories. You must try these calorie- burning intervals. Aim for three interval sessions and two or three moderate, steady-paced workouts of 30 to 60 minutes every week.

Having no weight loss plans

During attenuation it is important to have a predetermined plan to follow. “If you fail to plan, you Plan to fail”. Enlist the aid of a qualified trainer to design a proper resistance training and aerobic program. Purchase one of the many guides to fitness programming and educate yourself on the basics. The wish and intention will help you know how to make it.

Thinking that exercise is an obligation

An important concern for weight loss is increasing the body’s metabolism so caloric expenditure is increased throughout the day. If you want to lose weight, exercise should be experienced as a healthy lifestyle, not a hard job or duty that you must fulfill. Exercise is good for health, both physical and the psychological.

Not drinking water

During the day you need to drink plenty of water especially during the winter. Many people forget that. Water is the healthiest drink that we need. Drinking a lot of water will prevent drinking sweetened caloric beverages.

Consuming products that contain a lot of calories

Products that are considered healthier option do not necessarily contain fewer calories than junk food. Some fruit shakes and juices often contain a lot of calories. The best way to look at the calorie intake is to write down what you eat and how much you eat it. Determine the correct amount of calories that fits your body and your plan to lose weight is ready, make sure you stick to it.

Eating dietary snacks and desserts

During diet many people are reaching for snacks and desserts that do not contain fat and sugar. Since we know this kind of food makes us fat, we recommend avoiding them, unless you want to enter twice as much calorie. Look up nutrition facts before you eat there. See if your favorite eatery has nutrition facts online-you may be surprised at what you see.

Starving all day

If you starve throughout the day, when you finally decide to eat something, you often decide to eat unhealthy food. This way the inserted energy is converted directly into fat. When the body is not fed consistently, it flips into starvation mode developed through evolution and hangs onto fat content for survival. Instead of reducing the amount of meals, care should be taken in controlling portion sizes.

Having Negative attitude

You think that you cannot lose weight and that genetics suits you that way as well. With such an attitude and negative thoughts your diet will have negative outcome. Set realistic goals that will keep you motivated and concentrate on yourself, not others, throughout the process.

The main concept of weight loss, calories in versus calories out, is simple but far from easy. Only with dedication, work, and healthy lifestyle changes are resulting going to happen. And forget the quick fixes. They do not exist. Just as it is necessary to know what steps to take to meet your fitness goals, it is just as important to know what not to do. Avoid these mistakes that are sure to ruin your fitness efforts. And look for the alternate plan for the mistake you have been doing. Remember that losing weight takes a lot of effort and you need to go ahead to succeed in it.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lose Your Tummy Fat in Only 10 Days with This Fabulous Diet Plan

Removing tummy fat is not that impossible. With the suitable diet changes, lifestyle and exercises, tummy fat can be gone in ten days. However, using specific dietary and exercise strategies that affect the abdominal area are needed in order to lose tummy fat.

Lose Your Tummy Fat in Only 10 Days with This Fabulous Diet Plan

Follow these pieces of advice and get flat tummy in 10 days:

Day 1

Throw away all the junk food you have at home. Buy nutrient packed fiber-rich food like fruits, vegetables, poultry, lean beef, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy products, etc. Also, avoid carbohydrate food and start drinking 10-12 glasses of water. Water will clean your organism and remove the fat from the body.

If you like, you can try fasting for 1-3 days. You can take only 3-5 apple cider vinegar drinks during this period.

Combine 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey and 8 ounces of water.
Take this mixture 2-3 times a day to start the program of fat reduction.

Day 2

Consume more of boiled or raw vegetables on the second day. You can eat vegetable or chicken soup to reduce belly fat. Also, you need to consume something every two to three hours. Your metabolism will be increased and the blood sugar stabilized. Food cravings will be prevented with five to six servings of fruit and vegetables. Try to avoid fruits that include high carb content, like banana, apple, etc. If you don’t exercise, start with mild exercises like walking for 20 minutes.

Day 3

For breakfast, consume about 50 grams of carbohydrate. If you want to lose fat faster, low carb diets are good. You can consume a cup of oatmeal which has 50 grams of carbohydrate. For the rest of the day you can have lean protein about the size of your fist. Use whey protein, yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks. Avoid mayonnaise, margarine, butter, other vegetable oils etc. Start doing exercises like breathing squat to eliminate belly fat.

Lower your bottom in the squat position. While going down, inhale. After a few minutes come up and exhale slowly.

Do the same exercise 10 times.

Day 4

For your breakfast, you can have omelet with three egg white and vegetables or spinach added. For snacks, you can have boiled chicken with red pepper or cucumber with turkey breast. For lunch add salads with vegetables, chicken, olive oil, etc. Do not consume more than 150gr of chicken or turkey at one serving. When feeling hungry, take a fistful of seeds or nuts. It will reduce your craving. Also, doing crunches will mobilize the fat around the tummy.

Lie with hands under your head and place the feet on the floor with the knees bent.
Use your tummy muscles to crunch and raise your shoulders off the floor.
Do three sets of crunches minimum.

Day 5

On day 5, consume low fat milk and fruits. You can add one or two bananas if you like. Taking vegetable soup or salads will fill your stomach and provide you with needed carbohydrates. Drink lots of water and add sit-ups exercises.

Lie with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms and point fingers upwards.
Exhale and sit up slowly.

Exhale while you lower yourself to the start position.

Day 6

For breakfast use green beans, scrambled eggs with one whole egg and two egg whites and tomatoes. For snack you can have cod fillet or grilled chicken breast. Also you can consume fish or lean meat in different forms. Do not forget having five servings of fruit and vegetables. Moreover, do all the exercises from walking to sit ups.

Increase the number of crunches and sit ups if you want to eliminate fat faster.

Day 7

For breakfast you can have grilled or boiled chicken or duck breast along with steamed spinach or grilled tomatoes. As a snack you can use Brazil nuts or watermelon seeds or steamed broccoli. On this day, you can try aerobic exercise.

These exercises will increase your metabolism and belly fat will be lost faster.
30 minutes or aerobic exercises are enough.

Day 8

Now you can avoid low-nutrient food. You can have whole wheat bread and omelet with two eggs white for breakfast. Drink 10-12 glasses of water and choose healthy snacks like soy crisps, fruit with yogurt dip etc.

Swimming can be your new exercise

Day 9

This day should be vegetarian again. Use vegetables with fewer calories for the day. It will clean your digestive system of the fat deposits. Choose the vegetables with the most fibers to get the best result.

Start walking for 40 minutes
Also, you can do all the crunches and sit-ups or the swimming and aerobic exercise.
Day 10

Have breakfast with whole grains food items and fruits. Continue with soups and the low-fat snacks which are rich in fiber. Continue with the low sugar and low carb diet for better results that will last. Add a jumping rope to your exercises or a leg tuck exercise.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Best Detox Smoothie for Improving your Digestive System

Maintaining a good health is of primary importance. Apart from eating clean and regular exercising, there are a few more things that are instrumental in flushing out toxins from the body. One of the effective ways of cleaning the system is through detox smoothies. They are great for they not only help with the overall maintenance of your body, they also taste good. Health meets taste, isn’t that totally amazing? Here’s a detox smoothie recipe that you would love. It is sure to bring positive changes to your life and will definitely improve your health.
This is undoubtedly one of the best detox smoothie recipes because it comes with a horde of benefits. One of the most important aspects of this recipe is that it improves your digestion. The primary components of this detox smoothie are pineapple and papaya; both these ingredients are loaded with digestive enzymes that help to reduce the problems of a problematic digestive system. Papaya and pineapple contain enzymes help in the digestion of proteins because of their protein dissolving properties. Needless to say, these juices of these two work great as meat tenderisers. In layman’s terms, they help in softening the meat which in turn aids in the process of digestion.

It’s not always easy for the body to digest large amount of animal and protein and the body also
doesn’t enough enzymes to digest them properly. Even though our body produces these enzymes, we need to depend on our diet to get the rest of these digestive enzymes. Most of these important enzymes can be found in foods in their raw form. However, consumption of excessive amounts of processed foods can pose a hindrance when it comes to getting those key enzymes that play and important role in healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Here’s a bit of information of this papaya and pineapple detox smoothie recipe. Papaya enzymes are known as papain and are extracted from the leaves and fruits of the plant of papaya. Pineapple enzymes are known as bromelain and are available in plenty in all parts of the plant and the fruit. Both these enzymes are extremely beneficial for their health improving properties. They have a history and tradition of been consumed orally and topically for minor skin irritations and burns because they are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Papain is also a famous diuretic and comes with antimicrobial and anti-ulcerative properties. The enzymes in papaya also help in relieving several gastrointestinal problems, stomach ulcers and deficiency of pancreatic enzyme. The enzymes of pineapple also work great when it comes to treating digestive problems and also cure heartburns.

This smoothie recipe also contains plain yoghurt which contains useful and healthy bacteria that are naturally present in our digestive system. These bacteria play a positive role in bestowing you with a clean and healthy digestive tract by boosting your immunity system. Without any exaggeration, yoghurt is definitely one of the best superfoods for the overall benefit of your health.

Here comes the smoothie recipe that you have been waiting for. Firstly, gather these following .


2 slices of pineapple
1/2 papaya, cut in shapes of cubes
2 tablespoons low-fat plain bio yogurt
1/2 lemon (optional)
1 sprig of mint


Take all the above ingredients and put them in a blender. Blend them till they mix properly to form a smooth homogeneous mixture. That’s it. Your detox recipe is done. Have it after your meals to expedite the process of digestion. You’re sure to notice the difference that this detox smoothie recipe brings to your overall health.


This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever

Many women face the problem with unwanted hair on the face, which can be very annoying and   problem for their confidence. Therefore, those women use many options such as waxing, bleaching or even shaving to get rid of the unwanted hair. Laser is also an option, but not everyone can afford it. Luckily, there is a natural solution to this problem, which women in the Middle East have used it for centuries. It is very effective and you can do it at home.

It is a mixture which not only removes the hair, but it also soothes the skin and makes your skin look healthy and shiny. The components of the mixture are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Every woman should pay enough attention to skin care because skin is the largest organ of the body and what you put on your skin goes directly into the bloodstream.


1 tbsp of oats porridge

2 tbsp of lemon juice

3 tbsp of honey


Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on the area where you want to remove hair. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash it with warm water. Afterwards, apply face cream. You should repeat this procedure 2-3 in a week. After a month, you will be surprised by the results. The hair will disappear completely.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Speed-Up Your Weight Loss With This Healthy Recipe

The world we live in is toxic and dangerous to our health. The toxins from air pollution, the ones produced by cosmetic products that disrupt our hormone balance, by greedy corporations that make processed food, destroy our immune system and disable it from keeping us healthy, especially the fat that builds up in our body as we ingest it from processed food.

But how can we possibly protect our body and detoxify it from these harmful substances?


Practically all of your troubles are a result of the toxins that we build up in our system. Our daily habits disable the body’s natural ability to detox, heal itself and repair. Consequently,  we struggle with obesity, fatigue, poor digestion, food intolerance, weakened immune system etc.

Today, we provide you a very simple and healthy way to speed- up your weight loss.

Morning Lemon Elixir
According to its name, you already know that this is the elixir you will start every morning with. Drink this freshly squeezed lemon juice before breakfast to ensure your body’s healthy jump-start.


freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon
1 cup lukewarm water
1/2 inch of fresh ginger root or 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon raw honey (In case of a low sugar diet, use Stevia)
Tip: In case you have discomforts in your chest, don’t add the raw apple cider vinegar. It may be due to the releasing of unwanted toxins and bacteria. Anyway, continue to drink the elixir every morning for 3 days without the vinegar, and then try to introduce it again in very small amounts. If you still feel discomforts, then exclude the vinegar completely.

The Effects

This elixir will increase the digestive enzymes count and thus will help your body stimulate digestion. The liver will begin to release the toxins and all fat will be slowly flushed away. Additionally, your body will receive minerals, potassium and vitamin C. So, you will regulate your weight and blood sugar levels, and your body will become more alkaline.

After a few days, a massive amount of phlegm will be released and you will feel less bloated because your stomach can digest your food better. The benefits are simply endless! Eliminate toxins and start living healthier!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

13 Super Foods for Sharpening Memory

Is it a regular habit of yours to forget something that you have kept yourself? Are you the one who is toiling hard on your child, and still, he didn’t answer anything in the class because he forgot? Or, are you among those who forget to wish your near and dear ones because you fail to remember their birthdays, anniversaries, etc? Well, these are some common troubles that we come across every day. It is a fact that memory power diminishes with age, but when it incarcerates children and youngsters, it becomes something to seriously watch over. Mother Nature has provided us with a number of power-packed natural foods. Let’s dig into it and find a few super foods for sharpening your memory.

1. Fish

Oily fish, like salmon, mackerel and trout, are believed to be effective in improving the brain health. These fish are well-off in high levels of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), which is a type of an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are superior for the brain, as well as heart.

2. Flax Seed and Pumpkin Seed

For those who are vegetarians, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega fatty acids, called ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc, which is likewise effective in sharpening memory and strengthening the brain.

3. Rosemary

Some people even believe that even a mere aroma of rosemary can perk up our memory. Rosemary has carnosic acid, which is loaded with brain shielding properties. It wards off brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, and increases our memory power.

4. Walnut

Walnuts are a powerful source of polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, predominantly ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Manifold researches have revealed that consumption of a handful of walnuts every day can perk up memory function, concentration and cognitive abilities. Walnut is also rich in vitamin E that serves in maintaining age-related mental ailments.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a super fruit that heals a number of diseases. It helps the blood to flow smoothly up to the brain, thereby, ensuring brain health and sharpening memory.

6. Almonds

Almonds are prosperously loaded with vitamin B6, vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are as good as walnuts in increasing the memory power. Soak almonds at night and have them early in the morning every day for best results.

7. Blueberries

Studies have found that blueberry benefits our brain and memory as a whole. These berries are full of antioxidants that protect the brain from oxidative stress and damage. Blueberries enhance the communication between neurons, improve learning, memory and all cognitive functions, including decision making, reasoning, verbal understanding and arithmetical ability.

8. Chocolate

Well yes, this yummy treat is also good for the brain! Dark chocolate is stuffed with antioxidants, which is great for the heart, as well as the brain. Milk chocolates also help in increasing and sharpening the memory and concentration level.

9. Onion

Another super food to increase memory is onion, which contains two effective antioxidants- anthocyanin and quercetin.

10. Apple

Apple should always be consumed with its skin, as the skin encloses high amount of antioxidant, called quercetin, which is useful in treating the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. However, amongst red and green apples, red apples are more effective in rendering the brain power. Red apples have anthocyanin, which helps the brain to stay healthy and the memory to remain sharp.

11. Honey

Honey contains an equivalent part of glucose and fructose, and is also rich in potassium, B-vitamins, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and anti-oxidants. The fructose in honey acts as a fuel for brain, and safeguards the brain from mental fatigue and keeps it perked up.

12. Beetroot

Not only for augmenting the haemoglobin level, beetroots are uniformly great in increasing the blood flow to the brain also. It sharpens memory, improves concentration and hones reasoning dexterity.

13. Water

Water also falls under the category of super foods, as besides providing manifold benefits to the body, it also helps in augmenting the memory power. It significantly impacts on the functioning of the brain, decision making abilities and concentration power. It flushes out toxins from the body; which otherwise, inhibits the ability to concentrate and to think on a large extent.


Monday, October 12, 2015

why you should never eat green potatoes?

Green = vegetables = good, right?

Not when it comes to potatoes.

Here’s an important piece of information that my mother taught me years ago, but fewer and fewer people these days seem to know about. Green in potatoes indicates the presence of a rather harmful toxin. When you see patches of green in your potatoes as you peel them, cut out the green parts entirely and discard them.

What is the green? Actually it’s chlorophyll. Not bad for you at all. But the chlorophyll indicates that the potato has been exposed to sunlight. And where the potato has been exposed to light is where a natural toxin in the potato (solanine) becomes concentrated at harmful levels. So, never store your potatoes on the counter. Always keep them in a cool, completely dark place.

Solanine is a natural defense mechanism of the potato to ward off fungus and pests. It will also be triggered when a potato is bruised, so if your potato is at all damaged or bruised, discard it.
According to the Wikipedia, deep-frying potatoes at a high temperature (306°F) effectively lowers the level of toxins. But boiling them (212°F) has no effect. Best to stay on the safe side and just cut away the green parts. The NIH website mentions that the potato sprouts can also have concentrated solanine, so those too should never be eaten.

One of the things we’ve been noticing recently is that more often than not the bag of potatoes we buy from our local grocer contains several potatoes with green splotches. Once in a while is one thing, but every time? We’ve complained to our store’s manager and if you are finding green in the potatoes from your produce supplier, we urge you to do the same.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Amazing Benefits Of Mini Fasting That Triggers The Weight Loss Process

There are lots of controversies associated with fasting, especially when it comes to weight loss. While some researchers argue that fasting can help with weight loss and it is a good way to detoxify the body, there are other researchers who opine that fasting causes more harm than good. A gerontologist from the University of Southern California named Valter Longo whose main area of research in fasting, says that fasting is one of the worst habits and people with eating disorders should avoid it at any cost.

Other Opinions on fasting

Derek Henry, a holistic coach of the popular site, “Healing the Body” says that you can send your body for a loop if you suddenly switch from unclean eating habits to extreme detox diets. Though both experts are not totally against fasting, they advise that the individual must gradually take it up and take the help of a family member or a friend and avoid the sugar and carb cravings as much as possible. There must be a gradual change in the lifestyle as sudden or drastic change can be difficult to deal with.

The health experts from the University of Manchester conducted a new study on fasting and found out that the 5:2 approach is the most ideal one. This approach is basically eating normally for five days a week and then fasting for two days with a maximum of 18 hours before you break the fast. People are still allowed to eat during the two days and it is regarded as a mini fast as people are not allowed to eat  more than 600 calories. This mini fasting is found to be more beneficial than the actual fasting.

Loss of body fat, improved memory and immunity during fasting

Another group of scientists ultimately found out that an overweight woman who followed this 5:2 plan lost more weight and body fat along with improving insulin resistance when compared to the women who limited their calorie intake on all 7 days. There was a considerable difference in the results obtained from the 2 women and the woman  who did the mini fast clearly had a more positive result. There are a lot more health benefits of fasting this way. It also regulates blood pressure and improves heart health.

A lot of experts believe that this method is ideal and has lots of health benefits. Another researcher named Mark Mattson from the National Institute of Aging says that there are plenty of benefits from fasting. He also believes that by fasting or going without eating, the body tends to use up the stored glucose molecules which in turn melt the fat. He also says that fasting has multiple health benefits and not just weight loss, but this dietary lifestyle change can also improve the memory significantly. Though this aspect is still under research, Mark is enthusiastic to learn more about the positive aspects brought about by fasting.

Some other researchers and health experts advocate fasting as they believe that eating many meals in a day can account for abnormal eating and is simply not natural. In fact, there are several articles that have been published in health magazines and journals that support this theory. This is because the most common eating pattern followed by the people is 3 full meals a day along with 2 snacks to make a total of 5 meals which is quite unhealthy and abnormal in true sense.

Therefore the idea of mini fasting seems to be more convenient to the people as they don’t have to quit eating for an entire day altogether. The health benefits of fasting are surely controversial, but it’ quite safe to try the mini fasting strategy as it can really improve the digestive system and help to get rid of calories easily. To get rid of all these confusions, just understand your body make and know what does our body needs. When you are healthy and hale, only then weight loss is possible.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Natural Cleanser: This Drink Will Make Your Liver “Run As A Clock”

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, and fast food and processed foods leave consequences of its operation.

The liver is important for overall health. His function is to process foods, fats and eliminate toxins and other harmful substances that enter our body. When this organ does not function as it should, it has detrimental effect on all other organs in the body, so it is extremely important to take care of the health of the liver. Liver can be called a body “cleaner “, but it needs a periodic cleaning.

Natural Cleanser: This Drink Will Make Your Liver “Run As A Clock”

That is why from time to time you should make a small detoxification, so your liver can function better. This juice will help.

You need:

125 g fresh cabbage, 1 lemon, 25 g celery, 250 grams of fresh pears, a piece of ginger sized 2 cm, 500 ml water, 4-5 mint leaves.


Chop the pear, cabbage, celery and ginger into pieces, place them in a blender and pour a glass of water over them. Turn on the blender and mix well. Then add the lemon juice, the rest of the water and mint. Mix well and serve in glass cups.

SOURCE: http://www.naturalcuresandhomeremedies.com/

Monday, October 5, 2015

She Ate Three Dates Daily For 12 Days – And This Is What Happened

Beside their sweet and delicious taste, dates are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals which can boost your energy and provide you with a number of health benefits.
Here are the health benefits of eating 3 dates a day:

They have high nutritional value

Just three dates a day will provide you with a significant amount of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, magnesium and manganese. Therefore you don`t need to take additional vitamins.She-Ate-3-Dates-for-12-days

They improve digestion

Dates are the perfect solution for many digestive problems, including constipation, indigestion, and can even prevent colon cancer. Also, has the ability to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.

Dates as an analgesic

Due to their high magnesium content, dates are able reduce swelling and relieve pain. Moreover, magnesium can reduce arterial inflammation and prevent the risk of heart damage, and other infections.

Dates for a healthy pregnancy

A study conducted on 69 women who ate dates in the last 4 weeks of their pregnancy showed evidence that dates can make delivery less painful. Also, dates can help you lose weight after pregnancy.

Dates as a medicine for high blood pressure and stroke

Dates are abundant in potassium which has the ability to improve heart health and reduce blood pressure. According to seven different studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100mg of magnesium daily can decrease the risk of stroke by 10%.

They improve the function of the heart

The nutrients found in dates can improve brain activity and health. Moreover, proper vitamin B6 intake can significantly improve brain functions, including brain focus, alertness, accuracy and memory.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Homemade Cough Syrup to Remove Phlegm from the Lungs

Onions contain extraordinarily powerful compounds that possess many health benefits. Due to their disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, onions have long been used to ward off and relieve symptoms of the common flu including coughs.

When it comes to coughs, there are several types, and the worst one is hacking or productive cough. Here, we provide an excellent folk remedy that can successfully clean your lungs of phlegm, thus relieve cough attacks. Plus, this article offers other effective natural treatments for flu and colds.

Homemade Cough Syrup to Remove Phlegm from the Lungs.


Productive cough is normally the nastiest one because it goes together with tightness in the chest, a wheezing sound while breathing, mucus accumulation in the chest and airway, and phlegm cough. It’s usually caused by thick mucus build up. The mucus can vary in colour – yellow, green, and white, all of which are excreted by coughing. Cough is triggered by your lungs as they fight against anything that inhibits their proper function, which is a normal physiologic response to foreign bodies. These are the most common symptoms of a productive cough:

    Excessive coughing in the mornings
    Persistent cough
    Tightness in the chest
    Congestion or heaviness in the chest
    Whistling sound when coughing or breathing
    Sticky phlegm expelled by coughing

The colour of phlegm is also important as it reveals what causes it:

Yellow phlegm: It’s caused by an immune response to inflammation in the airways.

Green phlegm: It’s caused by a serious bacterial infection, such as bronchitis.

Clear phlegm: It’s the normal type of phlegm.

Pink phlegm: It’s caused by asthma.

Brown phlegm: It’s caused by air pollution or smog.

Grey phlegm: It’s caused by cigarette smoke.


This efficient folk remedy can successfully remove phlegm from the lungs. Plus, it’s completely safe for children. All you need is the following:

    1 cup of water
    1 cup of brown sugar
    1 lemon cut into slices
    a spoonful of sage
    1 tsp. marshmallow root
    1 tsp. flaxseed


    Mix the water and sugar in a saucepan.
    Heat the mixture until it boils and the sugar melts.
    Then, add the other ingredients, mix well and remove the saucepan from the heat.
    Leave it for about 15 minutes then strain the liquid.
    Store the mixture in a glass jar and secure it with a tight lid.
    Keep it refrigerated for longer shelf life.
    Take one tablespoon of this syrup three times a daily until you feel improvements.


Aside from this natural remedy, here we offer other efficient folk remedies for threating milder phlegm congestion.


This vegetable is widely used because of its strong medicinal properties. For one thing, it’s a powerful disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent, particularly beneficial for the respiratory tract. It can be used in a number of ways to clear chest congestion. The easiest way to use it is to cut in a half and breathe in the smell. Onion tea is just another easy way to address the issue. Simply, add onions into 1l water and bring the mixture to boil. Cool the mixture before you strain it. Use lemon, ginger, and some honey to disguise the taste. It’s recommended to have 3 cups a day.


Similarly to onion, garlic is just another vegetable highly beneficial for people with respiratory disorders. A natural antibiotic due to the powerful compounds it contains, garlic can be used in a number of ways, including tea (prepared as the one with onion described above); it can be eaten raw or in salads.


One of the oldest and most efficient home remedies for cleaning lung congestion, vaporizers can help you get rid of mucus and phlegm in a completely natural way. Simply bring a pot of water to a boil, place your face over it covering your head with a towel so as to inhale the vapours. Aside from using only water, you can also add a handful of sea salt or some medicinal herbs beneficial for respiratory disorders, such as sage, mint, thyme, elderberry, and eucalyptus.

Milk and Ginger

This recipe is quite simple as it only includes a glass of warm milk and a small slice of ginger root. Ginger is an efficient cough medicine and adding the warm milk only alleviates the elimination of phlegm. Simply mix the two ingredients and drink before it cools off. The best time to consume it is before bedtime because it alleviates breathing falling asleep.

Honey and Pepper

Honey and pepper are both powerful cough medicines, which effectively remove the phlegm by coughing. Mix one tablespoon of honey with a pinch of ground black pepper and take this twice a day.

Source: HealthyLifeLand