
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

If You Have These Two Holes On The Back, You Are Really Special! Here’s Why.

The human body is very interesting and hides a number of surprises. For example, do you have those little dimples on your lower back? If yes, then you must know that you’re really very special, my friend. Let me tell you the wonders of those divine holes…

They are referred to as “Venus holes” for women and “Apollo holes” for men, and are named after the Roman god and goddess who possess beauty and a great physical appearance. They have been considered to be the symbol of beauty since Michelangelo’s times. These dimples are located at the place from where the pelvic bone is connected to the spine. The first person to notice this was Michelangelo Buonarroti. He emphasized this in his sculptures as well.
Apparently, these dimples are the indicators of good health and a healthy sex life too. These indents make it easier for you to achieve an orgasm as they facilitate good blood circulation around the pelvic area. It also means that you’re not overweight.

Most people have them because of genetic predisposition. People with a curvy physique usually have these dimples, and this is why people link these dimples to attractiveness.

So, if you often envy those with dimples on the cheeks, now you know that facial dimples are not the only thing raking up all the envy. The bad news is that you cannot even get them with the help of exercise since they are located in such a place where there are no muscles!

If you already have Venus dimples, flaunt them and make everyone jealous of your curvy figure.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Put Cabbage Leaves Onto Your Chest and Legs Before You Go To Sleep if You Experience Frequent Headaches-the Next Morning You Will Feel Healthier Than Ever!

Cabbage can be remarkable when added to our favorite dishes, as it enriches the taste and provides numerous nutrients. However, cabbage can be extremely useful in the treatment of some ailments and diseases as well.

Namely, it can provide great benefits in the following cases:


Your unbearable headache can be caused by tiredness, excessive stress or some eye issues. Yet, you should place a compress from fresh cabbage leaves onto your temples and the forehead. Prevent the leaves from falling.

Thyroid gland

The functions of the thyroid gland are of extreme importance to your health, as its hormones boost metabolism, help growth, and stimulate digestion.

In order to restore the normal function of the thyroid gland, you should apply some cabbage leaves on the location of the thyroid on your throat. Wrap a shawl or out a bandage in order to secure the leaves, and leave it thus during the night. Remove the cabbage leaves the nest morning.

Pain due to breastfeeding

In the case of pain caused by breastfeeding, you should apply a compress from fresh cabbage leaves on your breasts twice a day, in the evening and in the morning. This method will quickly relieve pain.

Swellings caused by traumas

If the place of your hand or leg has started swelling after you have hurt it, you need to wrap it with the fresh leaves of a cabbage. Use a bandage to tighten them, and leave it thus during the night. This method can also be really effective in the case of swollen legs or a swelling on the ankle.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

10 Simple Ways To Tighten Your Neck Skin

Do you find your loose neck skin bothering you? Are you scared you are ageing too soon and does that very thought make you go embarrassed amongst your peers? Loose neck skin is something we all encounter, but then, isn’t there a way on how to get rid of loose neck skin without having to shell loads of money in expensive treatments?

Well, there is! And not one, but ten unique ways of tightening your neck skin and reversing your biological clock! Want to know what they are? Then you must read this post!

1. Hot Massage:

Hot massage to the loose neck skin repairs wrinkles and dryness. It replenishes the loose skin again and makes it moisturized, supple and soft. Hot massage is accompanied with the benefits like triggered collagen formation. This increases cell renewal and repair. As a result, the neck’s skin becomes tighter than before.

2. Exercises:

Stretching exercises offer a noticeable change to the wobbly neck skin when combined with working exercises. It involves constantly stretching and relaxing the lower facial tissues and muscles. This makes the muscles and cells around the neck active. As a result, the collagen formation is triggered around the complete neck region. The end results are tighter neck skin with lesser marks of aging like wrinkles and sagging.

3. Manage Weight:

Weight management is a preventive remedy. This is because weight gain stretches the skin. When this is followed by weight loss, it leaves behind loose skin. Hence, managing optimal weight is a sure shot win against skin loosening that happens due to swift weight gain and weight loss.

4. Cucumber Paste:

Cucumber bags the benefits of being a deeply moisturizing and hydrating agent. It offers deep conditioning to the worn and loose neck cells. This revitalizes the shrunk neck cells and makes them fuller and plump again. Hence, the skin automatically looks tighter. Find out how to make this amazing skin tightening neck mask below.

How To Make:

Grate cucumber and place it in a bowl.
Add curd, cream and almond oil to it.
Mix well to make fine paste.
Apply on the affected neck region and leave to dry for 30 minutes.
Clean with rose water and cotton.
Moisturize with a good cream/lotion.
Repeat the process everyday for best results.

5. Fullers Earth Pack:

Fuller’s earth is an amazing anti-aging mask for face. Do you know that a little juggling between ingredients can transform it to a neck skin firming mask as well? Find out How!

How To Make:

Take 2 tbsp fuller’s earth in a bowl.
Mix thick cream and rose water with it. Beat well.
Add egg white and lemon juice to the paste and beat well.
Add mashed banana pulp to the paste and mix well.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Apply all over the neck and leave to dry for 1 hour.
When dry, dab a little rose water to it and massage for 15 minutes.
Wash with lukewarm water.
Cover with a moisturizer immediately.
Repeat the process everyday in order to get speedy results.
This amazing skin firming mask works wonders for loose neck skin. It offers unmatched moisturization and conditioning. This makes the skin soft and supple from inside. Fuller’s earth, egg white and lemon juice stimulate collagen formation and hamper free radical accumulation. This increases the elasticity of neck muscles and cells. Hence, the skin becomes visibly tighter, softer, younger and radiant than before.

6. Almond Oil Massage:

Other than hot massage, almond oil massage can also improve skin’s firmness. Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E which is blessed with anti-aging properties. This repairs premature aging and offers elasticity to sagging neck cells and tissues. Vitamin E also increases blood circulation around the neck area. This triggers the process of collagen formation and hampers its destruction. The results are noticeable changes to the otherwise loose neck skin that becomes tighter with the constant application of almond oil.

7. Skin Tightening Cosmetic Creams:

Wrinkle lift skin creams are highly recommended for people showing early signs of skin aging. Wrinkle lift formulas are powerful doses of skin revitalizing and firming vitamins and minerals. They get soaked in the skin and make the cells tighter, firmer and active. This is certainly an effective way of tightening the loose neck skin to an extent.

8. Drink Mineral Water:

Drinking water is an effective remedy for most of the skin problems one faces in a lifetime. However, what we forget to mention is to consume mineral water in order to gain those skin benefits and make them last lifelong. Mineral water can restore the chemical balance of the body. Sometimes hormonal and chemical imbalance leads to premature aging. This results in wrinkles and sagging skin on neck. Hence, consume mineral water in large amounts in order to keep your neck young, pretty and radiant.

9. Banana Peel Neck Mask:

Banana peel makes a revolutionary anti aging remedy for loose neck skin. It is an amazing boost of fresh anti-oxidants and lutein, which can make the cells elastic, active and stronger.

How To Make?

Take a banana peel and scoop its inner white part.
Mix it with curd and lemon to make a fine paste.
Add glycerine and baby oil to it and mix well.
Add a few drops of milk to the mixture and beat to make a fine paste.
Apply on the neck and leave to dry for an hour.
When it gets dry, dab water to the neck and massage with gentle hands.
Rinse with water after 15 minutes.
Repeat everyday to get best results.

10. Balanced Diet:

All skin problems end with a balanced diet, and so does this problem. Incorporate fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and salads in your daily diet. This might be a slow remedy, but is a sure shot remedy against the problem of sagging neck skin.

These are the ten revolutionary skin transforming ways that eliminate the requirement of expensive laser and cosmetic surgeries for tightening loose neck skin. Have you ever tried these amazingly inexpensive ways of tightening loose skin on neck? Which is your favorite home remedy? Do you agree with the efficacy of these remedies on how to tighten neck skin? Do share your feedback with us in the comments section!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Diabetes and Dental Care: Tooth Loss is More Common Than You Think

Among complications like heart disease, blindness or chronic skin infections, tooth loss may also be a more significant problem for diabetics than previously thought, according to new research.

Studies have shown that people with type 2 diabetes who have periodontal disease are more likely to develop worsened glycemic control, said George W. Taylor, from the Schools of Dentistry and Public Health at the University of Michigan.

Worsening glycemic control, in turn, can lead to systemic inflammation and infection that may bring about tooth loss in adults.

Greater tooth loss associated with diabetes

The current study analyzed trends in diabetes and periodontal disease over 40 years based on data collected from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. A total of 37, 609 individuals were included in the study, which found that the rate of tooth loss increased with age. People with diabetes, too, were the most likely to suffer tooth loss.

The rate of tooth loss was the highest among non-hispanic blacks with diabetes, the study found, while all ethnic groups experienced greater tooth loss after the age of 60.

To avoid early tooth loss, experts recommend brushing teeth twice daily and flossing daily. Avoiding smoking and sugary foods may also help prevent periodontal disease.

"Given the study’s results, there is a need to improve dental hygiene and increase awareness of the risk among patients with diabetes," a news release on the study stated.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Unique Homemade Cream To Gets Rid of Scars Completely Within 2 Weeks

In general, scars are the worst part of the healing process after a wound, injury, skin inflammation, or surgical site. They happen in three stages. The scar tissue healing process can benefit a lot from a good care of your wound and your whole body from the beginning.

Yet, this process can be really exhausting at times, and this struggle turns out to be pointless, as the results are not always the expected ones. In most cases, this is the case of over- the- counter creams which promise a lot, but fail to deliver results.

However, that is another time when you need to turn to nature and try to use its resources. Today, we will introduce you an excellent homemade cream that will effectively eliminate scars in only 2 weeks!
Unique Homemade Cream For scars- Recipe

1/4 olive oil,
1 tablespoon natural raw honey,
1/4 cup cocoa butter
3-4 drops lavender oil
Melt the cocoa butter over a hot water bath and add the same amount of olive oil to it. Then, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 3-4 drops of lavender oil.
Leave the mixture to cool down and put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
When cool, put it in a jar and close it tightly. Your homemade cream for removing scars is ready!

Apply the cream on the scars every morning and every evening. The results will surprise you! Moreover, apart from it wonderful aroma, the cream will also nourish your skin.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

4 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Pores That Works In Few Hours.

The onset skin pores can prove detrimental to your looks and once enlarged, they not only look disgusting but are also pretty undesirable, to say the least.  Actually skin pores can be described as small or tiny holes which are located all over the skin of the body. They let the body oil or sweat come onto the skin surface. Actually these pores may or may not be seen visible, determined by the skin type or condition and their size, means how big or small these pores are.
However it is always better to know some home remedies for skin pores, should you need to get rid of them quickly. Sometimes the skin pores get enlarged and also become clogged as in contrast to the smaller skin openings. So read the post to know how to dispel or lessen these pores on the skin for a clearer appearance, if need be.

Skin pore treatment solution with orange juice and egg white

The above mixture may sound pretty surprising to you but it is a surely effective cure for skin pores. The white portions of the egg contain properties which make the skin tight or firm. Thus it can reduce the size of the pores, once enlargement has occurred. The skin tone is also enhanced by using egg white. Orange juice can be very useful in lightening the skin. Once you have applied some amounts of egg white and orange juice on your skin, it has to be left on for close to half an hour. Then wash it off your face and you will soon feel the difference. Use this solution regularly till the pores start fading.

Papaya face pack

One more very useful toner and cleanser is a papaya face pack to get rid of the pesky pores. It can be made right at home, by mashing a fresh papaya fruit and putting it on your face. Keep it on  for twenty minutes and then splash water on your face to remove the pack. The best part is that the skin is immensely toned by it and the dirt, grime and impurities from the skin are totally removed.

Lemon juice – the best anti blackhead therapy

If you have a face full of blackheads and are at your wits end as to what to do about it,  get some freshly squeezed lemon juice pretty fast. The astringent properties in the lemon juice is best for making the skin nice and firm plus unclogging the blocked pores.

Lessen your blemishes with the sandalwood solution

If a lady is beautiful yet has a face full of blemishes, what can be more embarrassing? But now you can avail of a natural and home recipe for cleaning out these tiresome blemishes. Grind sandalwood to a powder and mix it with water.

Now, put this sandalwood watery paste on your face and massage your skin with circular motions of your fingers. It will bring forth amazing results after a suitable period of time. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash it off your face thoroughly.


So these are some of the most effective home remedies for skin pores. You can easily economize on your parlor bills by making these herbal and natural skin cure remedies. Sometimes the chemicals present in the parlor made solutions can sing or damage your skin pretty badly.  Instead, just avail of some of these afore mentioned tips to get a clear and glowing skin.

Stop Eating Tilapia ASAP! Read About the Disgusting Reasons Why

There is mounting evidence that tilapia, the third most consumed fish in America, is extremely harmful to our health, since it is grown in China in bad farming practices.

Undoubtedly, tilapia has deserved its common use for it is quite inexpensive, can be bought skinless and boneless and is really tasty. And it would have been healthy if being wild.

However, its origin is the real problem, for the tilapia we consume today is farm-bred instead of wild. It is absolutely impossible for one to come across wild tilapia on the market or even in restaurants.

Actually, farm-raised tilapia is not health beneficial for several reasons. Healthy fish oil in wild tilapia is basically lacking in farm-bred one. Namely, while wild tilapia eats lake plants and algae, farm-bred tilapia is fed on soy pellets and GMO corn.

It is of crucial importance that you opt for wild tilapia, since the farm-bred tilapia is deficient in the vital nutrients your body needs. Instead, it provides numerous harmful effects, including the following:

High Dioxin Levels

Dioxins are not only toxic, but can also affect your proper body and can even trigger cancer development. Farm-bred tilapia contains higher dioxin levels, in fact, 11 times more dioxins than wild tilapia. Moreover, as soon as dioxins get into the body, they take a long time to get out – around 7-11 years is half of what it takes for dioxin to be discarded from the body.

Higher Pesticides and Antibiotics

In general, farm-bred fish contain higher content of pesticides and antibiotics. This is due to the fact that farm fish are bred in a crowd, which makes them more susceptible to diseases, and they are often given antibiotics so as to keep them healthy. In addition, in order to kill sea lice, pesticides are also used. These pesticides are in fact so strong that can kill wild salmon when exposed to them accidentally.


Farm-bred tilapia can lead to inflammation, according to newest research. The consumption of tilapia can in fact worsen already existing inflammation caused by a number of health issues including asthma, heart disease, and arthritis. It is a fact that tilapia is a much more serious risk factor for inflammation than bacon or hamburgers.

Low Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratios

Another big difference between the two is the fact that farm-raised tilapia contains less healthy nutrients than the wild one. Moreover, farm-raised tilapia also contains less protein. Plus, the omega 3 fatty acids in farm-bred tilapia are not as beneficial as opposed to the omega fatty acids in wild tilapia.

These fish are raised in pools, which makes them fattier and they often contain more omega 6 fatty acids, and overconsumption of omega 6 fatty acids increases the risk of inflammation. In farm-bred tilapia the omega 3 to omega 6 ratios in farm- bred tilapia are out of balance, so they have negative effect on our health.

Cancer Causing Pollutants

One of the main ingredients in the feed is chicken poop, as well as pig and duck waste.  In general, farmed-raised fish is 10 times more exposed to cancerous organic pollutants than wild tilapia.