Cabbage can be remarkable when added to our favorite dishes, as it enriches the taste and provides numerous nutrients. However, cabbage can be extremely useful in the treatment of some ailments and diseases as well.
Namely, it can provide great benefits in the following cases:
Your unbearable headache can be caused by tiredness, excessive stress or some eye issues. Yet, you should place a compress from fresh cabbage leaves onto your temples and the forehead. Prevent the leaves from falling.
Thyroid gland
The functions of the thyroid gland are of extreme importance to your health, as its hormones boost metabolism, help growth, and stimulate digestion.
In order to restore the normal function of the thyroid gland, you should apply some cabbage leaves on the location of the thyroid on your throat. Wrap a shawl or out a bandage in order to secure the leaves, and leave it thus during the night. Remove the cabbage leaves the nest morning.
Pain due to breastfeeding
In the case of pain caused by breastfeeding, you should apply a compress from fresh cabbage leaves on your breasts twice a day, in the evening and in the morning. This method will quickly relieve pain.
Swellings caused by traumas
If the place of your hand or leg has started swelling after you have hurt it, you need to wrap it with the fresh leaves of a cabbage. Use a bandage to tighten them, and leave it thus during the night. This method can also be really effective in the case of swollen legs or a swelling on the ankle.
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